Iran slams decision to exclude country from MuayThai World Fest

Farid Naqdi, the head of Iran Muaythai Association, lamented the WBC MuayThai’s decision to axe the country’s 18-athlete squad from the 2024 Amazing MuayThai World Festival over a dispute between two members of the team and the organizers in Bangkok, Thailand.
The quarrel, which reportedly led to a physical altercation, involved Iranian men’s captain Ali Takallou and head coach Jalal Mo’tamedi and a couple of organizing officials during a weigh-in session.
“Takallou was deemed overweight in the initial weighing but had his name registered in the draw sheet after losing a couple of extra kilos,” Naqdi said of the incident.
“However, another official apparently interfered to prevent Takallou from participation for unknown reasons which was met by Mo’tamedi’s objection,” added Naqdi.
The Iranian denied any physical fracas happening after the coach’s complaint, adding: “It was truly unfair to leave out a whole team for one person’s misbehavior.”
“The Iranians had worked hard to prepare for this competition and 14 members of the team had secured a medal after reaching the final showdowns of their respective weight classes,” said Naqdi, insisting the country will lodge a complaint to the international governing body of the sport.
Featuring 600 contestants from 58 countries, the global extravaganza came to an end in the Thai capital’s iconic Lumpinee Boxing Stadium on Monday.

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