News in Brief


Domestic automakers manufacture over 1.1m cars in 10 months

The director general of the industries office of Iran’s Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade said the production of cars by the domestic auto manufacturing companies topped 1.1 million in the first 10 months of the current Iranian year (started March 21, 2023).
Mehrdad Khosravi said about 1.107 million cars were produced in the 10 months to January 22, 2024, IRNA reported. Iran has moved towards making the car market of the country competitive by importing cars, he emphasized. Khosravi put the number of passenger cars produced in the current year at about 937,000, showing a nine percent rise compared to a year earlier. Iranian auto manufacturers had produced 863,000 passenger cars last year, he continued. He went on to say that 135,000 pickups were manufactured in the country from March 21, 2023, to January 22, 2024, registering a 34 percent hike compared to the corresponding period last year. In addition, over 250,000 vehicles were produced by the private sector of the country during the period, showing a 66 percent growth compared to the same period last year.

Knowledge-based companies, NIGC sign €500m contract: VP

Iran’s Vice President for Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy Rouhollah Dehqani Firouzabadi on Monday said a 500-million-euro contract has been signed with the National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC).
Speaking in a special TV program on the Islamic Republic of Iran News Network (IRINN) titled, “Knowledge-Based Companies’ Capabilities for Meeting Industries’ Needs,” the VP added that 12 groups of strategic products, based on the contract, will be made within four years, Shana reported. Last year, he continued, the Presidential Department of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy and the oil sector signed a five-year contract worth around $2 billion on manufacturing seven groups of products.
This year’s homegrown products exhibition was held through the efforts made by the economic group of the Leader’s Office, said the official.


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