Iranian firms dredging Russia’s Volga River: PMO

The chief executive of the Iranian Ports and Maritime Organization (MPO) said Iranian companies are implementing the dredging operations in Russia’s Volga River.
Ali Akbar Safaei also described the construction operation of gantry crane as one of the strategic port equipment in the country, and noted that the revenues of the organization will witness a significant hike in the current Iranian year (started March 21, 2023) compared to a year earlier, reported IRNA.
Regarding the latest situation of talks with India on a long-term investment contract at Chabahar port, the deputy minister of roads said India’s ports and shipping minister will soon visit Iran to clinch a contract for the development of the port.
India’s high-ranking officials are determined to play a key role in the development of Chabahar port, Safaei underlined.
The official pointed to the port equipment and machinery needed to be imported to Chabahar port by India, and added, “Under the contract, the gantry crane will be imported by the Indian side into Chabahar port.”
Meanwhile, construction of the strategic port equipment by Iranian manufacturers is under the finalization stage, he said, adding that giant investment has been made in President Ebrahim Raisi’s administration in the field of supplying relevant port equipment, as the capacity of ports has thus far increased from 270 tons to 290 tons.”

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