Iranian, Serbian universities ink scientific agreement

In a meeting attended by Serbian and Iranian scholars, a scientific collaboration agreement was signed between Tarbiat Modares University and the University of Belgrade, to expand educational and research ties.
The session was attended by Ratko Ristić, vice rector for foreign affairs of the University of Belgrade, and Nikola Živanović, a member of the University of Belgrade Faculty of Forestry, according to ILNA.
During the meeting, Amir Abdollahzadeh, the deputy of research and technology at Tarbiat Modares University, expressed readiness for collaboration in various scientific areas, including study opportunities, student exchanges, and joint research projects under the international scientific agreement.
Ratko Ristić, expressing satisfaction with their presence at Tarbiat Modares University, also expressed their willingness for bilateral cooperation.
Abdolamir Allameh, the director of International Scientific Relations, and Hamidreza Sadeqi, a faculty member of the Faculty of Natural Resources and Maritime Sciences at Tarbiat Modares University, evaluated the collaboration with the University of Belgrade as an appropriate opportunity, considering its illustrious history.
Prior to this meeting, the Serbian delegation had visited the Faculty of Natural Resources and Marine Sciences in Iran’s northern city of Nour.
The University of Belgrade, with 31 faculties, over 90,000 students, over 4,000 faculty members, and over 7,000 administrative staff, is one of the oldest and best universities in the

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