Iran: No restrictions on scientific activities in aerospace field

National Desk

The Iranian Foreign Ministry dismissed “interventionist comments” from the European troika about the recent launch of a homegrown satellite, saying there are no restrictions on Iran’s scientific and practical activities in in the field of aerospace.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani on Saturday criticized the “interventionist” stance of France, Germany, and Britain, laid out in a joint statement on January 26, about Iran’s launch of Soraya satellite into a low Earth orbit (LEO), with the Qaem-100 space launch vehicle (SLV).
“In spite of a series of arbitrary interpretations rooted in the unilateral tendencies of certain parties, there are no limits to the Islamic Republic of Iran’s scientific and applied activities in the sphere of space research under international regulations.
“Accordingly, our country categorically rejects the imposition of such unconventional approaches,” the Iranian official stated.
In a joint statement released on Friday, France, Germany, and the UK alleged that Qaem-100 space launch vehicle uses technology essential for the development of a long-range ballistic missile system that could allow Iran to launch longer-range projectiles.
“We remain committed to taking every diplomatic step to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons and to hold Iran to account for its destabilizing activity in the region and internationally,” the European troika’s statement said.
Tehran, Kanaani said, does not wait for permission from certain countries in order to use peaceful technologies for scientific advances.
He also said Iran reserves the “inalienable and legitimate right” to make scientific and research advances in the field of aerospace.
The “interventionist comments” from the European troika, which denote their egotistical views regarding Iran’s progress, will by no means make a dent in the Iranian nation’s determination to make steady headway in science and technology, the official stated.
The Soraya satellite, developed by the Iranian Space Research Center, was sent into a 750-km Low Earth orbit on January 20. The launch was overseen by the aerospace division of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC).
Iran has defended the satellite launch, with the IRGC saying that it will serve both scientific and defense purposes, enhancing Iran’s capabilities in space exploration and technology.

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