Iran, Russia, Turkey slam Israeli attacks in Syria

Iran, Russia and Turkey jointly stressed fighting against terrorism in all its forms, slammed Israeli attacks in Syria, and emphasized the leading role of the Astana Format talks in promoting a sustainable settlement to the Syrian crisis.
Delegations of the three guarantors made the remarks in a joint declaration adopted at the 21st international Astana meeting on Syria, held in the Kazakh capital of Astana on Wednesday.
The trio expressed their determination to continue working together to combat terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and stand against separatist agendas aimed at undermining the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria and threatening the national security of the neighboring countries, the final communiqué said.
Since the outbreak of Israel’s brutal war on the besieged Gaza Strip on October 7, Israel has significantly increased its cross-border attacks against Syria.
In response to such hostilities, Iran, Russia and Turkey also “condemned all Israeli military attacks in Syria, considered these actions as a violation of international law, international humanitarian law, the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria, and recognized them as destabilizing and exacerbating tensions in the region, and called for the cessation of these attacks.”

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