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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Ninety Three - 24 January 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Ninety Three - 24 January 2024 - Page 8

Harder days ahead ...

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Following the huge setback on January 22, there will likely be louder voices of internal protests against Netanyahu and his cabinet’s warmongering and ineffective policies. Just hours before the killing of 24 Israeli soldiers in central Gaza, the families of the Israeli captives stormed the Knesset, disrupting the meeting and rebelling against Netanyahu’s inability to secure the release of the prisoners. On the same day, even the Labor Party set in motion a plan to impeach Netanyahu in the Knesset.
Even though the hawkish prime minister is relentlessly beating the drum of war and promises an outright victory, few people in the occupied territories remain unconvinced that such pledges are merely hollow. The situation is not unfolding favorably for Netanyahu and Israel. The Israeli army’s acts in Gaza thus far, resulting in the deaths of more than 25,000 Palestinians, many of them civilians, have not been an achievement but a disgrace for the regime.
According to media reports, US President Joe Biden, Israel’s strategic ally, conveyed a message to Netanyahu, warning that if Netanyahu does not change his course, he will be remembered as the person responsible for the biggest strategic failure in Israel’s history. The results of a recent survey conducted by Israel’s Channel 13 revealed that 53% of Israelis believe that Netanyahu’s motive for pressing ahead with the Gaza war is personal gain. Some experts suggest an alternative interpretation of these personal interests, highlighting Netanyahu’s fear of the war’s end and an unfavorable outcome for him and his cabinet.
It appears that the heavy casualties suffered on Monday will further complicate matters for Netanyahu. On one hand, Hamas has demonstrated its refusal to give in and is fiercely resisting the Israeli onslaught. On the other hand, it will lower the morale of Israeli soldiers, leaving them more vulnerable.
Moreover, it will heighten internal pressure on Netanyahu. Political parties and concerned Israelis, who worry about the future of the regime, will double their efforts to end the war and topple Netanyahu. This agenda seems to appease both the United States and the Biden administration. That’s why Barak, in an interview with the Telegraph, condemned Netanyahu’s policies and called for him to step down, calling on the Israeli “executioner” of Gazans: “In the name of
God, go.”
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