Three Persian leopards spotted in NE Iran

An official at the Department of Environment Protection in Iran’s North Khorasan Province said that one Persian leopard and two leopard cubs have been spotted in Salouk National Park in the northeastern Iranian province.
Mohammad Taqdisi said the recently-seen leopards would increase the species seen in the protected area to six based on a previous tally of the wildlife in the park.  Salouk National Park is a protected area located to the northwest of the city of Esfarayen in North Khorasan Province. It is home to a variety of plant and animal species.
This protected area is divided into two mountainous and lowland landscapes with elevation difference between the highest and lowest point reaching 1,510 meters, creating preferable conditions for rare animal species.
More than 100 animal species have been identified in Salouk National Park, according to official government figures.

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