Highest ever orbit conquered

Iran puts research satellite into orbit

Iran on Saturday launched a research satellite into its highest orbit yet in a new milestone for the country’s aerospace program.
The Soraya satellite of the Iranian Space Agency (ISA) was successfully launched with the Ghaem-100 satellite carrier of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, IRNA reported.  
This is the first time that Iran has successfully placed a satellite in an orbit higher than 500 kilometers.
Telecommunications Minister Issa Zarepour said the satellite, which weighs about 50 kilograms, was put in orbit 750 kilometers above Earth.
According to Fars News Agency, the satellite had started sending telemetry data.
The Ghaem-100 carrier rocket, manufactured by the IRGC’s Aerospace Division, is capable of carrying a payload of 100kg. It is Iran’s first three-stage solid-fuel satellite launcher.
Top IRGC officials including chief commander Hossein Salami and head of the Aerospace Division Amir-Ali Hajizadeh as well as ISA President Hassan Salarieh oversaw the blastoff.
Over the past decade, Iran has sent several satellites into orbit, and in 2013 launched a monkey into space. In 2020, the IRGC put Iran’s first military satellite, dubbed the Nour, into orbit.

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