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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty Seven - 17 January 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty Seven - 17 January 2024 - Page 7

Leader hails Yemen’s ‘great job’ in support of Palestinians

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei praised the “great job” the Yemenis have done in the Red Sea in support of Palestinians despite US threats.
Addressing the country’s Friday Prayer leaders on Tuesday, Ayatollah Khamenei said that the Yemeni people and the Ansarallah resistance movement damaged the vital channels of the Israeli regime.
The Leader underlined that the US threatened them, but they were not afraid of the US and continued their campaign in support of Palestinians.
“Their job is rightly and fairly an example of jihad (endeavor for the sake of God). We hope that these efforts, acts of resistance and activities will continue until victory.”
Since November, Yemeni forces have repeatedly targeted Israel-bound ships in the Red Sea, saying they were avenging Israel’s onslaught on the Gaza Strip, which has been under the regime’s brutal attacks since October 7.
In the latest operation, the Asnsarallah movement targeted a cargo ship by a missile off Yemen, a maritime risk management company said on Tuesday.
The ship, which has visited Israel since the outbreak of war in Gaza and was headed to Suez, changed course and headed to port after the incident.  There was no immediate comment from the Asnsarallah movement, who launched attacks on American vessels on Sunday and Monday following US and UK strikes on their territory last week.
On Sunday, US forces claimed that they shot down a cruise missile targeting an American destroyer, and on Monday a US-owned cargo ship in the Gulf of Oman was hit by another missile.
The incidents followed Friday’s US and UK strikes on scores of sites in Yemen in retaliation for the Red Sea attacks which have disrupted shipping in the vital waterway.
The Leader also said the people of the world acknowledge that the Gazans are “innocent and victorious,” while the usurping regime is “cruel and bloodthirsty” as well as “defeated and disintegrated.”
“The innocent and powerful people of Gaza were able to influence the world with their struggles, and today the world views these people, fighters and their resistance group as hero,” he noted.
Israel has waged its genocidal war on Gaza following a historic operation by the Palestinian Hamas resistance group against the occupying entity on October 7.
The Israeli strikes have claimed the lives of more than 24,000 people in the Gaza Strip.

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