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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty Five - 15 January 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty Five - 15 January 2024 - Page 8

Domestic cancer radiopharmaceutical unveiled

Iran achieves 99% self-sufficiency in pharmaceutical production

Heidar Mohammadi, the head of Iran’s Food and Drug Administration (IFDA), highlighted the country’s self-sufficiency in meeting its health needs domestically and emphasized the importance of supporting technology-based companies.
In addition, he announced the introduction of radiopharmaceuticals, an effective cancer treatment drug, ISNA wrote.
Mohammadi made these remarks during the opening ceremony of the second exhibition of technology-based products in the field of food, medicine, and medical equipment, titled ‘Health-Based 2’, being held from January 14 to 16.
He noted that a significant part of the products from technology-based firms is being unveiled for the first time at this exhibition.
Mohammadi stated, “This year, the exhibition begins with a growth of over 100% compared to last year due to the presence of technology-based companies, with approximately 200 such companies participating. The increase reflects the growing interest and development of technology-based initiatives in the health sector.”
He added, “Last Iranian calendar year (March 21, 2022, to March 20, 2023), around 21% of drugs were valued over $1 million, of which 10% surpassed $3 million. As we move towards developing technology-based firms, production increases, and overall costs decrease. Our policy is to support these enterprises to enhance production.”
Mohammadi highlighted Iran’s transformation by achieving pharmaceutical self-sufficiency, stating, “Before the 1979 Islamic Revolution, only 20% of the country’s needs were met by domestic companies, and the rest were imports or produced by multinational companies. However, today, 99% of the country’s pharmaceutical needs are met domestically.”
He emphasized the significance of connecting universities with industries, noting that Iran has approximately 12,000 pharmaceutical students who need to be connected to the industry. “With the support of government, we hope to witness technological growth and development in the country, achieving complete self-sufficiency in the health sector soon,” he said.
The head of the IFDA underscored that the exhibition would feature the unveiling of 11 pieces of medical equipment and 12 pharmaceuticals, including one traditional medicine.

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