Muslim division allows Israeli crimes: Raisi

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on Sunday branded a “lack of unity among Muslim nations” as one of the main reasons that had emboldened Israel to commit crimes against the people of Palestine in the Gaza Strip.
“If the Islamic nations had been united, would have we witnessed such massacres and injustice against the oppressed people of Palestine?” Raisi told the International Conference of Al-Aqsa Storm and the Awakening of Human Conscience in Tehran on Sunday, IRNA reported.
He made the comments on the 100th day of the ongoing Israeli aggression against Gaza, which has killed nearly 24,000 Palestinians, flattened large areas of the coastal enclave and displaced hundreds of thousands.
Raisi warned that Israel’s normalization of ties with some Arab countries would neither bring about security for the Zionist regime nor regional states.
Referring to the role of the US as Israel’s main supporter in the war against Gaza, he said Washington’s “military, financial, and political support” had paved the way for Tel Aviv’s atrocities in Gaza.   
“This proves that the main axis of evil is the United States and that the Zionist regime [of Israel] is acting as executive arm for the US and its allies,” Raisi added.
He said efforts aimed at portraying “those defending their homeland as evil” had failed.
“It has become clear to the world that the center of all mischief is the United States and some Western states that are supporting the Israeli regime,” Raisi pointed out.
The president reiterated that Palestine was the foremost issue of the Muslim world, saying the liberation of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Al-Quds was a priority for the Muslim world.

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