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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty Five - 15 January 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty Five - 15 January 2024 - Page 2

Battlefronts multiple, US ...


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On the other hand, amid the heightened conflict between Hamas and Israel, another segment of US military power is currently engaged in supporting Israel, and the recent joint attack with the UK on Yemen has opened up a new front against this country. Despite all these developments, following the news of a potential visit by a delegation of US congresspersons to Taiwan in May, China has expressed its opposition, hinting at a tense future on that front as well.
Biden recently stated that the US is not inclined to engage in proxy wars, but the issue is that even if proxy wars were to occur, they would be initiated by the United States’ adversaries, not by the country itself or its allies. In fact, in the current circumstances, direct intervention against countries that, according to the US’s definition, act as proxies, will not only be impossible for the US and its allies to win but will also be highly detrimental to them. This will surely be the case even with the assumption that European countries are supposed to coordinate with the US. However, considering the reluctance of France, Italy, and Spain to provide military and even political support for the recent attacks on Yemen, this assumption must realistically be considered null and void.
Given these considerations, the path ahead for the US is highly challenging and full of complexities. Particularly noteworthy is that American plans are never so intricate that they can catch other countries by surprise. Currently, its military and political capabilities are decentralized and vulnerable, even when countries like Iran, Lebanon, and Syria have yet to take significant actions. These factors make it difficult to precisely forecast the strategies these nations intend to pursue.

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