Cultural relics show ancient Iran’s glory at Beijing Palace Museum

An exhibition titled ‘The glory of the ancient Persia: Exhibition of Iranian cultural relics’ has opened at the Beijing Palace Museum in China in a ceremony attended by Iran’s Deputy Tourism Minister Ali Darabi, Iranian Ambassador to China Mohsen Bakhtiar, and Chairman of the National Cultural Heritage Administration of China Li Chun.
Running from January 12 to April 11, 2024, the exhibition showcases 216 cultural relics from various Iranian museums, offering a glimpse into the artful charm of ancient Iran.
The artifacts demonstrate the country’s rich history and its role as a hub for East-West cultural exchanges, China Daily reported.
The event aims not only to introduce the cultural heritage of Iran but also to encourage Chinese tourists to visit the country.
Recognizing the impact of exhibitions on attracting foreign tourists, the display from Iran’s National Museum in China seeks to enhance cultural understanding and foster tourism between the two nations.

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