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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty Two - 11 January 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty Two - 11 January 2024 - Page 7

Parliaments urged measures to stop Israel’s killings

Representatives of 26 Islamic and Asian countries emphasized that the parliaments of countries should force the international bodies to take the necessary measures for an immediate cease-fire in Gaza to stop further killing of civilians.
The representatives of Islamic and Asian countries participated in the 5th emergency meeting of members of the Parliamentary Union of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (PUIC) on Palestine in the Iranian capital of Tehran on Wednesday.
Addressing the conference, Iranian Parliament Speaker Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf said the Israeli regime was founded on genocide and aggression, and its survival depends on perpetrating such heinous crimes.
“What is coming to pass in the Gaza Strip today is a cause of deep concern and shame for humanity. It is a double injustice to a nation that has been deprived of any human rights and has been under aggression and occupation for more than seven decades,” Qalibaf said.
“No awakened conscience can be dismissive of the heinous and widespread bloody crimes being committed by the Zionist regime’s war machine in Gaza and its horrendous effects on the peace and security of the region and the world.”
Qalibaf also touched on Washington’s and its Western allies’ unflinching support for the Israeli regime over the past decades, saying, “Israel has not only committed the most heinous crimes against the oppressed people of Palestine, but as a corrupt and pampered child under the support of the Western political system and as the center of crisis in the region has remained immune from any accountability, responsibility and
The top Iranian legislator also censured the West’s double-standard approach towards Israeli crimes in Gaza, saying, “What we are witnessing in Palestine these days is a clear example of the hypocritical and deviant policy of the United States and its Western allies in supporting bloodshed, absolute defense of an aggressor, and categorical denial of the historical and civilizational realities of Palestine.
Syrian Parliament Speaker Hamuda Sabbaq said the Israeli regime has not only killed Palestinian women and children, but has targeted the infrastructure in the Palestinian territory.
He said that the West has provided the regime with technical and logistical support. Sabbaq added that Israel’s crimes in Gaza is a clear violation of the resolutions of the United Nations.

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