Iran urges trust-building for return of expats: Judiciary chief

Iranian Judiciary Chief Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejei stressed the need to instill trust for the return of Iranians residing abroad.
He emphasized that face-to-face trust-building is essential, warning that without it, the complexities surrounding the return of Iranians might not be addressed even with numerous laws and regulations, reported.
Ejei pointed out scenarios where specialists, having left the country during sensitive periods like war, aim to return to contribute their expertise. However, the lack of mutual trust between the individuals and the authorities may prevent their successful return. Many Iranians abroad express the desire to return but are hesitant due to a lack of confidence.
Ejei called for the implementation of mechanisms to foster mutual trust.
Speaking about legal and judicial matters for Iranians abroad, Ejei suggested solutions that could resolve issues without requiring their physical presence in the country.
He stressed the importance of informing and educating individuals about the procedures, emphasizing the important role of the responsible authorities in ensuring a smooth process.
Ejei highlighted the difference between verbal assurances and tangible actions, asserting that actions by the judiciary would be more impactful in reassuring Iranians abroad about their return. He also emphasized the significance of positive interactions at key points such as airports, consulates, and embassies to counteract negative perceptions and false propaganda.

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