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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy Nine - 08 January 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy Nine - 08 January 2024 - Page 3

Marmishu Lake, a pristine retreat in West Azarbaijan Province

Situated 45 kilometers west of the city of Urmia in West Azarbaijan Province, Marmishu Lake is nestled in a valley near the Iran-Turkey border. It stands out as one of Urmia’s most enchanting destinations, offering a perfect retreat for a weekend getaway and leisure time with friends and family. Set in a mountainous region, the lake is best experienced during the spring and summer months.
Renowned for its pristine beauty, Marmishu Lake captivates every traveler with its breathtaking scenery and tranquil ambiance. Spanning five hectares, the lake reaches depths of 50 to 60 meters and is celebrated for its trout among the local community. Sourced from the Nazlu River, which originates from a mountain and flows through a lush and picturesque gorge, the lake holds a special allure.
An intriguing aspect of this picturesque lake is its origin. A natural dam formed as a result of a seismic event, where a portion of the mountain collapsed, giving rise to the present-day lake. Reflecting its historical roots, the lake derives its name from the leader of the previous Christian inhabitants of Marmishu, Mar Shimun Benyamin.
En route to the lake, a variety of forest trees, including poplar trees, create a natural protective barrier around the area. The vicinity features an array of flora, such as poplar, walnut, oak, willow, jujube, barberry, almond, hazelnut, pine, and other trees and shrubs, making it an ideal location for beekeeping.
The fauna surrounding Marmishu Lake is characterized by two distinct periods. Presently, the area is inhabited by animals such as bears, foxes, wolves, and rabbits, while historical records indicate the presence of mountain goats, deer, and leopards. The avian population includes partridges, falcons, quails, and various other species.
The lake was once abundant with trout and whitefish. However, due to uncontrolled fishing and the influx of tourists, these species have faced a significant decline. Regrettably, smelt is no longer found in the area. Efforts to preserve and protect the diverse wildlife and aquatic species are crucial for the conservation of Marmishu Lake’s ecological balance.

Nomadic  encampments
One of the most captivating sights during this journey is the encampments of the tribes and nomads who have settled in this area. Exploring the nomadic way of life is truly fascinating and can create lasting memories alongside the experience of visiting the lake and witnessing the surrounding landscapes.

If you’re fortunate, you might encounter beekeepers in this region, presenting an opportunity to savor genuine, natural honey and bring it as a delightful gift to your table.

Marmishu waterfall
In addition to exploring Marmishu Lake, you have the chance to witness a stunning waterfall situated near the lake and along the Nazlu Chay River. This waterfall is seasonal, with water levels increasing during rainy seasons, and its sound can be heard from several hundred meters away. Seize the opportunity to visit the Marmishu waterfall and revel in its unique natural beauty.

Best time to visit
Given Marmishu Lake’s location in the mountainous region of West Azarbaijan Province, it is ideal to visit the lake on sunny days in the spring and summer to fully appreciate the scenery and nature. In winter, the area experiences cold weather and snowfall, with the likelihood of the lake freezing, potentially limiting your enjoyment of the experience.


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