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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy Seven - 06 January 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy Seven - 06 January 2024 - Page 7

Bonds between Israel and Daesh in terror


By Ja’far Qannadbashi
Mideast affairs expert

Following the terrorist operation in Kerman on Wednesday, and before the Daesh terrorist group claimed responsibility, suspicions were initially cast on Israel. Many believe Israel is directly responsible for the terrorist operation on the fourth anniversary of the martyrdom of General Qassem Soleimani, the late commander of the Quds Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC). This belief is attributed to several factors. Firstly, Israel has a track record of killing innocent people, including women and children, exemplified by the recent killings in Gaza over the past three months. Secondly, Israel carried out several terrorist actions in the past few days, targeting an Iranian military adviser in Syria and orchestrating another terrorist act in Lebanon that resulted in the death of prominent Hamas figure Saleh al-Arouri. Therefore, it was assumed that the terrorist operation in Kerman followed Israel’s consistent pattern. The third factor is that Israel has faced severe blows from General Soleimani, making it conceivable that they seek revenge during the anniversary of his martyrdom by targeting his followers.
Therefore, the people had the right to consider Israel as the perpetrator of this terrorist operation. However, despite the acknowledgment from Daesh, there are still ambiguities in this matter. Moreover, one cannot deny the links and connections between Israel and Daesh. Some media outlets in Iran have characterized the terrorist group’s claim of responsibility for the terrorist operation in Kerman as unclear. They note differences in this claim compared to the group’s past statements, particularly the delay in taking responsibility. Another ambiguity arises from the fact that, contrary to previous cases, they did not show the faces of the suicide attackers. Therefore, according to some media or analysts, it is not far-fetched to suggest that Israel may have been the primary instigator of the terrorist operation in Kerman, with Daesh acting as the executor.
I believe that even if Israel was not directly responsible for this terrorist operation, there are significant links and connections between Israel and Daesh, as the regime was fundamentally involved in the creation of Daesh, and the terrorist group had also acted in line with Israel’s goals. Therefore, I doubt that Israel was unaware of this operation. Consequently, the Iranian people’s demand for a response to this terrorist act is justified, especially considering Israel’s recent atrocities in Gaza, fueling strong sentiments against the Israeli regime. Iranian authorities have also emphasized taking revenge for both this terrorist act and the Jan. 2 assassination of a military adviser in Syria at an appropriate time and place.
In my opinion, Iran’s emphasis on the timing and location reflects a strategic and responsible approach to avoid falling into Israel’s traps. While Israel lacks the desire and capability for an extensive war, it attempts to manipulate Iran and the United States into a confrontation, creating a secure margin for itself.


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