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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy Three - 01 January 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy Three - 01 January 2024 - Page 8

Oliver Stone condemns Israeli acts, urges US to reassess its support

Acclaimed US filmmaker Oliver Stone spoke out on the historical context of Israel’s nuclear program and the current violence in the region, criticizing the US for its unwavering support for Israel.
Stone’s comments were made during a recent interview, which went viral on Twitter, where he highlighted the secrecy surrounding Israel’s nuclear capabilities and expressed concern over the ongoing conflict with the Palestinians.
Stone began by emphasizing that president John F. Kennedy had reservations about Israel obtaining nuclear weapons, citing Kennedy’s claimed plans for severe inspections of the Dimona nuclear facility.
According to Stone, US’s stance shifted after his assassination, with president Lyndon B. Johnson allowing Israel a free hand in its nuclear programs.
The filmmaker claimed that the Dimona facility was opened in 1968 without the knowledge of most Americans, attributing this to a directive issued by President Johnson to keep the matter unnoticeable.
Stone argued that the secrecy has contributed to a lack of awareness among Americans regarding Israel’s possession of nuclear weapons.
He accused Israeli leaders, particularly Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, of having aggressive intentions, stating that they “want the bomb because they want to blow up Iran.”
Expressing his opinion on Netanyahu, Stone called him a “madman,” claiming that his actions were justifying a slaughter as revenge.
Stone lamented the high number of casualties in the region, alleging that the Israeli government had killed thousands, including Palestinians.
The filmmaker criticized US President Joe Biden for supporting Netanyahu during a recent visit, expressing disappointment in the administration’s approach.
Stone urged a reconsideration of US support for Israel, proposing a complete cutoff of aid and emphasized that such a stance should not be dismissed as antisemitic.
Stone concluded by reflecting on the broader issue of justice, peace, and human decency, expressing confusion over the ongoing violence and the high number of casualties.
He questioned the international community’s response and underscored the need for having a second thought about US foreign policy in the region.
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