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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy Three - 01 January 2024
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy Three - 01 January 2024 - Page 7

Iranians access to health services has increased: Minister

Social Desk
In the last two years, 5,000 health-oriented products have been produced in Iran, with more than 3,000 products entering the market, announced the Minister of Health, Treatment, and Medical Education.
Bahram Einollahi stated on Sunday at the gathering of the country’s top researchers, held at Tehran University of Medical Sciences, that 126 outstanding projects were selected and received financial support, IRNA reported.
“The goal of supporting research, especially in the field of medicine, is to streamline processes, and the Food and Drug Administration should delegate authority to parent universities of medical sciences, such as Shiraz, Tabriz, and Mazandaran, to expedite administrative procedures,” Einollahi said.
Referring to the preparation of a comprehensive scientific research map in the country, the Minister of Health highlighted the need to transform innovative ideas into products and increase the number of accelerator centers with the help of public support.
Einollahi pointed out that people’s access to health services has increased, and the ministry’s goal is to establish an advanced and modern health system.
“Justice and excellence were prioritized in the health sector during the current administration,” he said.
Highlighting the growth of medical research in the past two years, Einollahi mentioned that during this period, 16,000 hospital beds were added to health centers, 2,000 health centers were established, 280 advanced devices were installed in underserved areas, and electronic health records have been implemented in over 90 percent of cases.
He announced the implementation of the advanced family health plan in 10 provinces and a 75 percent growth in health benefactors. Einollahi stated, “We encourage people to invest in [health sector’s] product production.”
Einollahi further emphasized the need to dynamically progress towards third and fourth-generation universities. He highlighted that there are currently 22,000 academic staff members, with 48 percent of them being women, indicating positive indicators of the country’s scientific growth and development.
Recognizing the existing infrastructure in the country’s health sector, Einollahi called for scholarly research and the availability of scientific information across various fields in laboratory and library environments.
The Minister of Health further emphasized the responsibility of medical sciences university presidents to keep scientific resources and information up-to-date. He stressed the importance of having comprehensive information available in all fields and suggested the use of search engines to facilitate access.
Einollahi stated, “Idea generation and critical thinking are the two main components of a researcher. It is necessary to establish think tanks in research centers and create an idea bank.”
Regarding research methods, Einollahi highlighted the importance of ensuring validity. He stated that researchers should scientifically document proposed methods, and it is the duty of the Food and Drug Administration to approve these ideas.
Einollahi further emphasized the significance of creativity and innovation, stating that the country’s 850 research centers should prioritize ideation and conduct research based on societal needs.
“In the field of research, agile and proactive organizations are needed, and the involvement of interested students in research centers is crucial,” he said.
The meeting concluded with the recognition of top medical sciences researchers, and the unveiling of two key pharmaceutical ingredients, including an anti-rheumatic and platelet-reducing agent.

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