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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy One - 30 December 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy One - 30 December 2023 - Page 8

Iran’s Nat’l Orchestra performs ‘Lady of Water and Mirror’

IRNA – In a special ceremony held at Vahdat Hall on December 27, Iran’s National Orchestra performed a symphonic poem titled ‘Lady of Water and Mirror,’ conducted by Hamayoun Rahimian and featuring the vocals of Amirhossein Samiei.
The orchestral performance coincided with the death anniversary of the passing of Hazrat Umm ul-Baneen (PBUH). The symphony, was supposed to be staged on the martyrdom anniversary of Hazrat Fatima (PBUH) on December 17 under the name of ‘Lady of Water’ whose compositions were made by Safi Safavi.
The pieces are inspired by the poetry of Abdoljabbar Kakaei and Seyyed Mehdi Shojaei.
The symphonic poem comprises eight sections: ‘Offering,’ ‘Yas (Jasmine) Fragrance,’ ‘Conqueror of Hearts,’ ‘Love and Moon,’ ‘Dear Father,’ ‘Night of Longing,’ ‘All This Loneliness,’ and ‘Celestial’.
The orchestra, led by Rahimian, surprised the audience with a diverse selection of pieces, including compositions by Maurice Jarre, the French conductor and composer, as well as works by Fereydun Shahbazian, Farhad Fakhreddini, and Mehrdad Delnavazi.
The performance began with a solo oud performance by Mehran Khanzadeh, followed by the orchestra’s rendition of ‘Entry to Mecca,’ the music from the film ‘Muhammad: The Messenger of God,’ composed by Jarre.
After the conclusion of this piece, Rahimian left the stage briefly, returning with vocalist Samiei performing the piece ‘Apple of the Tree of Revelation’, featuring lyrics by Mohammad Nikoo and composed by Rahimian, accompanied by the choir group led by Razmik Ohanian.
Continuing the program, musical pieces from the film ‘Avar (Debris)’ by Shahbazian, featuring a solo performance by ney player Pooriya Shivaferd, as well as ‘Once Upon a Time’ by Fakhreddini, with duet performances by qanun player Mojgan Mohammad-Hosseini and oud player Mehran Khanzadeh, and ‘Invitation to Islam’ (from the film ‘Muhammad: The Messenger of God’) by Jarre were presented.
Furthermore, ‘Rhapsody for Ney and Orchestra’ composed by Delnavazi and performed by ney (end-blown flute) player Pooriya Shivafard ‘Season with Our Rain’ with lyrics by Rumi and composed by Rahimian, featuring vocals by Samiei and the choir group, and ‘Kaarzaar (Campaign)’ (from the film ‘Muhammad: The Messenger of God’) by Jarre were among the notable pieces performed.

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