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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty Seven - 25 December 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty Seven - 25 December 2023 - Page 8

Tehran’s parks set to embrace inclusion for disabled

A total of 114 parks will be adapted for the use of disabled people by mid-March 2024, as announced by Tehran’s deputy mayor.
“The Organization of Parks and Green Spaces in Tehran has been tasked with increasing its efforts to accommodate disabled individuals and enable them to utilize the city’s green and recreational areas,” said Hossein Nazari, according to ILNA.
The comprehensive plan involves the adaptation of 114 parks from March 21, 2023, to March 20, 2024.
Nazari further elaborated on the progress made in previous years, stating that in 2015-16, 22 parks were adapted, followed by 22 more in 2016-17, 22 in 2017-18, 39 in 2018-19, and a total of 22 in both 2019-20 and 2020-21. In 2021-22, an additional 58 parks were adapted, bringing the total to 185 parks in Tehran that have been made accessible for disabled people.
The deputy mayor emphasized the importance of completing the remaining parks by the end of the year, aiming to improve a total of 114 parks. Nazari highlighted the features of the project, which include equipping the parks with facilities like sports sets for the disabled, creating ramps, landscaping, adapting drinking fountains, toilets, and benches to meet the needs of disabled individuals.
The city official concluded by stating that this optimization of parks aligns with Tehran Municipality’s commitment to providing a suitable platform and environment for disabled individuals to enjoy the city’s green and recreational spaces.
It goes without saying that a truly inclusive society would remain an unrealized dream without incorporating the needs of disabled individuals into city facilities. By ensuring that these spaces are accessible to all, regardless of physical or cognitive abilities, we create an environment that promotes equal opportunities and participation.
When disabled individuals can seamlessly access public spaces, parks, buildings, and transportation systems, it not only enhances their quality of life but also empowers them to engage fully in social, cultural, and economic activities. Inclusion in city facilities not only benefits the disabled community but also enriches the entire community by nurturing diversity, breaking down barriers, and promoting a sense of belonging for all residents.

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