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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty Seven - 25 December 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty Seven - 25 December 2023 - Page 2

Tehran, Dushanbe seek €500m in trade

The head of the international affairs department of Iran’s Ministry of Energy said that Iran and Tajikistan have targeted to boost annual trade to €500 million.
The two countries have witnessed considerable growth in bilateral trade during the administration of President Ebrahim Raisi, while more than $91 million worth of non-oil products were exported from Iran to Tajikistan over the past two years, Mojtaba Akbari told IRNA.
The two countries have managed to strengthen political and economic relations in various fields due to their cultural, historical and lingual commonalities, he emphasized.
Pointing to the development of trade-economic relations between the two countries, Akbari noted that Iran and Tajikistan inked seven cooperation agreements in September 2021 during Raisi’s first visit to Dushanbe.
Nineteen cooperation documents were signed between the two countries in November 2023 during Raisi’s second visit to Tajikistan, he said, adding, “In addition, 17 cooperation documents had been inked between the two countries after the visit of the Tajik president to Iran in 2021.”
He pointed to the export of construction materials, food products, detergents, petrochemical products and agricultural equipment and machinery from Iran to Tajikistan and added that an exhibition will be held in the Tajik capital of Dushanbe on December 26 with the participation of 36 large Iranian companies.
In this exhibition, Iranian companies will showcase their latest achievements and products, he continued.
Boosting the annual bilateral trade to €500 million has been cited as one of the main objectives of an upcoming visit by Iranian Energy Minister Ali Akbar Mehrabian to Tajikistan, he said.

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