Iranian, Egyptian presidents hold first phone call in decades

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi congratulated his Egyptian counterpart Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on securing a third term in office as leader of the Arab world’s most populous nation, hoping for the resolution of existing issues between Tehran and Cairo and the restoration of diplomatic ties.
In the first telephone conversation between the two heads of state in more than four decades, Raisi warmly felicitated the 69-year-old Egyptian politician on his reelection, Press TV reported.
They also discussed developments in the Gaza Strip in light of the relentless Israeli strikes, which have killed more than 20,000 people, most of them women and children, and wounded another 53,320 individuals, and underlined the significance of unity among Muslim countries.
The two presidents also agreed to take tangible steps for the final resolution of issues between Iran and Egypt, and the re-establishment of diplomatic relations.
Al-Sisi was elected for a third term, securing 89.6 percent of the vote in the election held between December 10 and 12.
Iran cut its diplomatic relations with Egypt in 1980 after Egypt welcomed the deposed Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, as well as for having recognized the Israeli regime.
Albeit the two countries have maintained some diplomatic contacts.

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