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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty Five - 23 December 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty Five - 23 December 2023 - Page 8

FM urges Ancient Civilizations Forum to address Gaza crisis

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian called upon the Ancient Civilizations Forum to utilize its potential to halt the ongoing crisis in Gaza.
Speaking at the seventh edition of the forum, Amir-Abdollahian condemned the atrocities in Gaza and the West Bank as a “great disgrace” in human history.
Amir-Abdollahian urged the Ancient Civilizations Forum to condemn these crimes and use all available resources to address the critical situation, emphasizing the need for the establishment of a war crimes tribunal.
He listed one of the missions of ancient civilizations to fight the discourse of supremacy, dominance, exclusivity and racism, and emphasized that the world today continues to suffer from the effects of the discourse of domination and violence, instrumental use of international principles and norms, and double standards.
He underscored the significance of the forum’s role in fostering a more cultural and peaceful world, considering inter-civilizational cooperation as a crucial element of soft power for member states.
The foreign minister criticized the silence of some nations regarding the prolonged occupation of Gaza, emphasizing the importance of holding the “fake Israeli regime” accountable for its actions.
He condemned the killing and displacement of over tens of thousands people in Gaza and the destruction of Islamic cultural and civilizational monuments by Israel.
He also condemned the insulting of holy books and the Holy Qur’an, urging responsible governments to play their roles in maintaining civilized, cultural, and religious interactions.
Also present at the forum, Iran’s Deputy Tourism Minister Ali Darabi highlighted Iran’s rich cultural heritage, spanning over 7,000 years and being among the top 10 countries on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Darabi spoke about the symbolic representation of Iranian heritage, such as the 54 Iranian caravanserais registered as world heritage, which depict art, architecture, environment, nature, seas, mountains, caves, valleys, urbanization, and civilization throughout different eras, from ancient Persia to the Qajar period.
The deputy tourism minister expressed hope that the forum would contribute to the development of international relations through cultural diplomacy.
Darabi stressed that culture is the best way for countries to engage with each other, and the cultural aspect takes precedence over other factors in bringing countries and civilizations closer.
He highlighted the unique role of ancient civilizations in interacting with all cultures, emphasizing cultural and natural diversity as integral to their existence.
The Iranian representative advocated cultural dialogue to promote peace, democracy, tolerance, resilience, and sustainable development.
He noted that cultural heritage could unveil historical artifacts to prevent distortions and present the truth correctly, fostering peace and avoiding conflicts.
Darabi concluded by stating that cultural heritage is linked to the identity and roots of every nation and society, and introducing it to the global community is a crucial mission of the Ancient Civilizations Forum.
He proposed the initiation of a project titled, “Countries’ Meetings Through Cultural Dialogue” to elevate the discourse and cultural flow in the global community.
Highlighting Iran’s successful efforts in repatriating historical artifacts, Darabi expressed hope that member countries would collaborate on education, sharing successful experiences, archaeological exploration, museum management, and other aspects of cultural heritage.
He encouraged joint efforts in compiling and registering shared tangible and intangible heritage on the UNESCO World Heritage List, fostering collaboration between Iran and other Ancient Civilizations Forum members.
The seventh edition of the Ancient Civilizations Forum was held on December 21.
The forum, held under Iran’s chairmanship, was attended by representatives of its members, including China, Greece, and Egypt, according to a statement by Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Ancient Civilizations Forum was jointly launched by Greece and China in April 2017, with 10 members, namely, China, Iraq, Egypt, Iran, Greece, Italy, Peru, Bolivia, Armenia, and Mexico.

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