Raisi: Fiber optics key infrastructure for smart services development

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said on Friday that fiber optics are an important infrastructure for the development of smart services.
Speaking at the opening ceremony of a national plan to bring a fiber optics network to homes, businesses, and schools in the northern province of Golestan, he added, “Today, we witness the development of one of the most important communications and information technology infrastructures in this province,” according to president.ir.
The president stated, “All aspects of human life are reliant on the Internet, in economic, educational, personal and social life, businesses, banking communications and other services depend on the Internet, as without it life would be disrupted.”
Considering the problems that copper cables suffer and its limitations, fiber optics can guarantee Internet communications and services, said Raisi, adding, “This important infrastructure should not be neglected.”
During his two-day visit to Golestan Province, which ended on Friday, the president was accompanied by ministers, who discussed problems and issues.
Inaugurating a 600-bed hospital, several water supply projects, and a project for the dredging of Gorgan Bay were among the major projects inaugurated during president Raisi’s visit to Gorgan.

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