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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty Four - 21 December 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty Four - 21 December 2023 - Page 3

Yalda Night: A celebration of Iranian heritage and unity

By Leila Imeni
Staff writer
Yalda Night, also known as Shab-e Chelleh, stands out as one of the most significant ancient Persian festivals celebrated annually on December 21 by the Iranians worldwide. This special night boasts a rich history that dates back to centuries ago, when society was primarily centered around agriculture and the sun, along with its illuminating rays, symbolized life, energy, and spirituality.
Interestingly, Yalda Night is just one minute longer than the preceding nights. Archaeologists believe that this celebration traces its roots to over 7000 years ago.
A glimpse into Iran’s socio-cultural history unveils captivating depictions of the rituals and customs associated with the Yalda Night’s celebration, underscoring its millennia-old heritage.
While this ceremony has changed across various cultures over the passage of time, it has remained unwavering and enduring, with these traditions transmitted from one generation to the next.
Ancient people relied on animal husbandry and agriculture, shaping their lives according to nature. The seasons and length of day and night greatly influenced their daily routines. They valued the light, warmth, and longer days, viewing them as positive and enjoyable. However, winter, with its cold and long nights, was not to their liking.

Time of sun’s rebirth

Ancient people perceived the last night of autumn as a time of the sun’s rebirth. A few, even chose to spend this night on the foothills of the Alborz Mountains, waiting for the dawn and the sun’s renewed birth.
People of various Iranian cities celebrate the Yalda Night according to their own culture and geography, each with its own unique attractions; although some of them have been forgotten and only memories of them remain.

Reading Hafez’s poems

On this magical night, it is a tradition for families to engage in the ancient practice of fortune telling by reading the poetry of Hafez, a great Iranian poet of 14th century. Those with a taste for poetry recite the verses for others to enjoy. This tradition, passed down from ancient culture, is performed every year on Yalda Night.

Family gathering
Presently Yalda celebration is also held in a family gathering similar to other Iranian festivals and ceremonies, in which a table of special foods is seen. In most regions, these foods mainly consist of nuts, fruits, and various traditional and non-traditional pastries.

Watermelon and pomegranate
Watermelon is among the main fruits served in Yalda Night, symbolizing protection from winter’s cold by consuming a fruit associated with summer. Pomegranate serves as a symbol of joy and new life, prominently featured during the Yalda celebration.
This delicious, juicy fruit aids in blood formation and provides a significant energy boost and energy to individuals, with its abundance of vitamin C and other beneficial properties.
Iranians are very cultured and civilized people who have a history of several thousand years. Yalda Night is also one of their ancient cultures, only purpose of which is to bring people together and show them that happiness and joy can be achieved with very simple things, and the only requirement is that the people be together, hold hands, and take steps towards happiness.

A memorable night
Being with family is one of the great blessings of God that everyone should appreciate. Yalda Night is an opportunity for us to spend a night together with our family. It is good to learn from this historical tradition and try to practice being together on other days of the year as well.
Time passes very quickly. Yalda Night, no matter how long it is, will eventually come to an end and will be replaced by winter. Yalda or any other occasion, if filled with love and affection, will be memorable and unforgettable for all of us.


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