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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty Four - 21 December 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty Four - 21 December 2023 - Page 2

Raisi urges Pakistan to improve border security

Iranian president called on Pakistan to make greater efforts to improve security at its border following a terrorist attack in southeastern Iran.
Ebrahim Raisi made the remarks in a phone conversation with his Pakistani counterpart Arif Alvi on Wednesday.
Eleven Iranian police forces were killed and seven more wounded in the terrorist attack that targeted the police headquarters in Rask County, Sistan and Baluchestan Province on Friday. The so-called Jaish-ul-Adl terrorist group, based in Pakistan, claimed responsibility for the assault.
The Pakistani president expressed sympathy with the Iranian president, government and people over the deadly terrorist attack.
He emphasized that his government will do its best to improve the security of the common border and prevent the activities of hostile and terrorist groups in the areas.
Also on Wednesday, Iran’s police chief, Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Radan, said Iran expects the Pakistani government to strictly control the borders to prevent the repetition of such terrorist acts.
In a statement on Saturday, members of the UN Security Council strongly condemned the terrorist attack, calling for the prosecution of the perpetrators and sponsors of such “cowardly” acts of terror.
The world body’s members asserted that terrorism in all its forms and manifestations constitutes one of the most serious threats to international peace and


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