Portuguese translation of Cell No. 14,’ unveiled in Lisbon

The Portuguese version of the memoirs of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, titled ‘Cell No. 14,’ was unveiled in Lisbon.
The book’s presentation took place at a ceremony attended by dignitaries, media personalities, Portuguese and Iranian researchers, along with ambassadors and foreign business figures residing in Lisbon on December 14.
During the event, various speakers, including Iran’s Ambassador to Portugal Majid Tafreshi, emphasized the theme of resistance as depicted in the memoirs, Tasnim news agency reported.
Tafreshi stated, “This book is themed around the subject of resistance. Many nations, such as Algeria, Cuba, and South Africa have achieved their goals through resistance. Similarly, the memoirs of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution show that the Iranian Revolution attained victory alongside resistance.”
He added, “Today, the power of logic must be clarified more than ever for people around the world, and people need to stand up against any abuse of power.”
The Palestinian Ambassador to Lisbon, Nabil Abu Zneid, shared historical perspectives, noting, “In 1979, after the Islamic Revolution, we were demonstrating in Washington when Ayatollah Khomeini decided to reopen the Palestinian Embassy in Tehran in the presence of Yasser Arafat. That event was the greatest change.”
The South African Ambassador Mmamokwena Gaoretelelwe, drew parallels, stating, “What is happening to the Palestinian people today is understandable for us Africans. The concept of resistance is very important for us, and victory is certain for the Palestinian people.”
Ambassador Shakib Rashid of Algeria expressed solidarity, stating, “Algeria was occupied from 1830 to 1962 and had more than 1.5 million martyrs. We understand the Palestinian situation very well. Our young generation in Algeria has been raised within a cultural environment of resistance, and we believe that Palestine will be victorious.”
Maria Dominguez, the Cuban Ambassador in Lisbon, highlighted the enduring spirit of resistance, saying, “After being colonized by Spain, Cuba was able to conquer it, but it was captured again by the US. Our people decided to determine their own system of governance just as the Iranian people had during the 1979 Islamic Revolution.”
Mohammad Akhgari, vice president of the International Affairs of the Islamic Revolution Research and Cultural Institute, emphasized the book’s central theme, stating, “This book depicts the history of the Iranian people’s resistance in order to achieve victory. Today, after 50 years, we are still witnessing the killing of Palestinians. Resistance is the main concept of this book, and ‘victory comes with patience and resistance’ is the key to the victory of the Palestinians.”
The ceremony concluded with the unveiling of the Portuguese version of ‘Cell No. 14’ in the presence of the Iranian ambassador, ambassadors from Palestine, Cuba, Algeria, South Africa, and representatives from various countries, as well as distinguished figures from Portugal, including the vice president of the Islamic World Observatory and the editor of the magazine Diplomatico, alongside academics from Iran and Portugal.

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