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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty - 14 December 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty - 14 December 2023 - Page 6

US at odds with world

UN General Assembly calls for immediate cease-fire in Gaza

By Ebrahim Beheshti
Staff writer

The United Nations General Assembly has called for an immediate cease-fire in Gaza, revealing a significant global divide with the United States siding against the majority. In a vote on Tuesday, 153 UN members supported the resolution for an immediate cease-fire, with only 10 countries opposing and 23 abstaining.
The resolution reflects a stark reality: The world pursues peace, while the US and Israel lean towards war. The vote has no legal force but was the strongest sign yet of eroding international support for Israel’s actions. The recent escalation of attacks by Israel on Gaza has increased the opposition to the war, as evident in the growing number of votes in favor of the cease-fire.
Apart to Israel itself, notable countries opposing the truce include the US, Austria, Liberia, Guatemala, and Paraguay. Countries abstaining from the resolution include the UK, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Argentina, Cameroon, Georgia, South Sudan, and Ukraine.
Hours before the UNGA vote, US President Joe Biden criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s policies, stating that “indiscriminate” bombing of civilians was costing international support. Israel is losing global support. Biden said Netanyahu needed to change his hardline cabinet and that ultimately Israel “can’t say no” to an independent Palestinian state, opposed by far-right members of the Israeli cabinet, particularly regarding the two-state solution for Israel and Palestine.
However, it appears that not only Israel but also the US and a few other few supporters of Israel are losing international standing. Reports indicate that London and Washington are increasingly isolating themselves amid the global consensus for an end to the conflict. As reported by Sky News, with reference to the abstention vote by the UK and the opposing vote by the US, it is mentioned that London and Washington are increasingly isolating themselves.
Also last week, the US States vetoed a proposed resolution for an immediate cease-fire in a UN Security Council session, with 13 members voting in favor, and the UK abstaining.
Meanwhile, the US president’s verbal criticisms of Israel persist, even as Netanyahu announced on X on Tuesday that in detailed discussions with Biden Washington’ has fully supported Israel’s ground assault on Gaza and reduced international pressure to stop the war.
Despite the global outcry against Israeli actions during the past two months and the proposition of UN cease-fire resolutions, the United States, in tandem with Israel, continues to support the ongoing war. The only response from US authorities has been ethical recommendations to Netanyahu’s hardline cabinet to distinguish between military and non-military targets – an advice acknowledged as futile by many.
The UN General Assembly resolutions, while not legally binding, serve as a reflection of global sentiments on contentious issues. The two cease-fire resolutions in October and the recent one clearly demonstrate the United States standing against the world.
The Gaza conflict, accompanied by Israel’s inhumane massacres and destruction, has become a significant stage for testing the US’ claims of global inclusivity. This is where officials at the White House easily overlooked violations of human rights, the right to life, and compliance with international conventions related to war, genocide, and war crimes.
Iran, aligning with Muslim and Arab states, has reaffirmed its positive vote for the UN resolution, condemning Israel and recognizing the regime’s crimes in Gaza.
After the vote, Amir Saeed Iravani, Iran’s Permanent Representative to the UN, said that, “The situation is entirely clear. A UN member, one of the permanent members of the Security Council, has decided to stand by the criminal regime of Israel and allow it to continue the massacre of civilians in Gaza. The explicit opposition of the United States to a cease-fire implies endorsing war, violence, and ultimately more death for children and women in Gaza.”

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