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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty - 14 December 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty - 14 December 2023 - Page 5

US pro-Israel veto further undermines UN

By Syed Ali Hassan
Iran Daily’s correspondent in Pakistan

The Biden administration's backing of Israel in the aftermath of the attack by Hamas on October 7, 2023, reflects a consistent pattern in recent US history. Despite the humiliation faced by Arabs, their leaders continue to vie for American approval.
Amid the ongoing Israeli aggression against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, Arab and Muslim leaders could have taken steps to protect innocent lives. For instance, Turkey could have halted the crude flow from Azerbaijan to Israel, creating a 40% oil shortage. Additionally, the UAE, Jordan, Azerbaijan, Egypt, and Qatar could have shut down Israeli embassies, isolating Tel Aviv diplomatically. Such measures could have compelled Israel to yield to a cease-fire.
The United States sided with Israel by voted no the United Nations General Assembly's resolution on October 27, calling for an immediate cease-fire and humanitarian aid to Gaza citizens. The no-vote aligns with a historical trend, as the US has previously rejected numerous resolutions critical of Israel, citing the need to protect the regime’s security interests.
On December 8, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres convened a council meeting under Article 99, proposing a resolution urging Israel to cease its aggression. Predictably, the US vetoed, claiming the resolution inadequately addressed Israel's security concerns. On October 18, the US also vetoed a resolution seeking a temporary cease-fire for Gazans.
Since 1970, the US has vetoed 43 anti-Israel resolutions, justifying its actions as necessary for Israel's security. The US has been a key supporter of Israel, providing substantial military aid, including an additional $14.3 billion in 2023. This aid supports Israel's military capabilities, even amid criticism that the US hasn't imposed conditions to safeguard civilians from Israeli airstrikes in Gaza.
The deployment of a US aircraft carrier in the Eastern Mediterranean to protect Tel Aviv from missiles underscores direct US involvement in Israeli aggression. The US determination to shore up Israel stems from its strategic importance and the desire to maintain a Zionist entity, contributing to the ongoing conflict dynamics in the region.

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