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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Fifty Nine - 13 December 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Fifty Nine - 13 December 2023 - Page 3

Sarigol National Park: A natural haven in North Khorasan Province

Areas protected for conservation actually consist of buffer zones and ecosystem services areas, which are intended to preserve biodiversity and promote the continuation of ecological processes in completely natural conditions, under management control.
The use of these areas is allowed only under certain conditions, and measures should be taken to prevent any negative impact on the ecological processes of the ecosystems involved.
Sarigol National Park in North Khorasan Province is one of the most important protected areas in Iran. With an area of approximately 28,000 hectares (6,000 hectares for the national park and 22,000 hectares for the protected area), it is not only one of the most significant protected areas in North Khorasan, but in Iran.
Some of the most important natural and tourist attractions in North Khorasan Province, such as Rudkhani River, Darreh-ye Erdgan, Sar Cheshmeh Dam Lake, and Sarigol Dam Lake, are located in this area.
Sarigol National Park was designated as a protected area by the Department of the Environment in 1974. The department has since upgraded the protected area’s security zone to a national park. Sarigol National Park is one of the most beautiful and ecologically significant areas in North Khorasan Province. Its unique flora and fauna attract a large number of tourists. Visitors are required to obtain a permit for visiting this national park and should follow the environmental protection rules strictly. It is advisable to visit this national park for three to four hours.

Moorlands form the largest area of ​​pastures in Sarigol Valley and are among the best habitats for wild sheep, goats, and leopards.
Plain area
The plain area covers a small part of ​​the total region (about 2,000 hectares). This area is the habitat of about 25 deer. The difference in altitude between the lowest point in the southern plain (1,250 meters) and the highest point in the mountains (3,050 meters) is estimated at about 1,800 meters. This difference in altitude has created diverse ecosystems and added to the biodiversity of the region. Today, many plant species from both warm and cold regions can be seen in Sarigol.
The valley floors in the plain area are scattered with tree and shrub species such as barberry, willow, fig, and walnut, while in the mountainous areas, elm species can be seen scattered and dense.
Eyzi waterfall
Eyzi waterfall is located five kilometers from Eyzi village in the western foothills of the Shah Jahan Mountains, and 15 kilometers southeast of Esfarayen. The Eyzi River is the source of the waterfall. This river irrigates some of the agricultural lands of Eyzi.
Ganjdan village
Nestled in the protected area of Sarigol and surrounded by two other ancient villages, Ganjdan village is cherished by the locals. A significant water source, Ganjdan River, which is a part of Sarigol National Park, originates from this village and flows northward towards Qal’eh Sefid village. Rural people rely on the water from this river for their agricultural needs.

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