Tehran, Riyadh to resume direct flights in near future

The head of Iran Civil Aviation Organization (CAO) said that direct scheduled flights between Iran and Saudi Arabia will resume in the near future, adding that the Umrah pilgrimage flights to the Arab country will soon be launched by two domestic airlines.
Speaking at a news conference on Tuesday, Mohammad Mohammadibakhsh said direct scheduled flights between the two countries will be resumed soon, in line with bolstering bilateral ties in the field of aviation, Tasnim news agency reported.
He further said the country’s air industry has provided four strategies for the development of the air fleet.
Developing the air fleet and establishing consecutive relations between industry, knowledge-based companies and higher education centers seem necessary to present technological achievements and progress, Mohammadibakhsh highlighted.
In this regard, the organization has invited prestigious foreign and international companies to organize an air industry show, he added.
Regarding the participation of knowledge-based companies in the air industry show, the CAO chief added that 2,000 parts and equipment related to the air industry have been designed by competent domestic knowledge-based companies.
Organizing the exhibitions in the field of aviation industry conveys a message to the world that Iran’s aviation industry, despite cruel sanctions, has become more developed by relying on domestic capabilities and constructive relations with the academic centers and knowledge-based companies, he added.


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