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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Fifty Eight - 12 December 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Fifty Eight - 12 December 2023 - Page 7

Love knows no bounds

Kahrizak Charity Foundation hosts a unique wedding ceremony

By Elham Qazvinian
Staff writer

In the coolness of dusk on December 10, the Kahrizak Charity Foundation had a unique atmosphere. Mehrdad and Malakeh, a young disabled couple who are the permanent residents of the nursing home, dressed up as a bride and a groom, were about to set out on a journey to their new home, thanks to the efforts of generous benefactors and with the prayers of kind-hearted people.
In contrast to today’s luxurious wedding ceremonies, this celebration had no trace of unnecessary extravagance. The event was characterized by simplicity, with the presence of the nursing home residents, benefactors, and sports and artistic personalities.
The guests gathered around for a time in order to deliver Malakeh, dressed in a bridal gown, looking more beautiful than ever, to Mehrdad.
Keeper of my heart
Mehrdad, who is overwhelmed with joy and clearly has been waiting for this moment for years, said in the presence of the guests: “Malakeh is the queen of my home and the keeper of my heart for the rest of my life.”
Mehrdad, a 35-year-old native of Hamedan, has resided in the care home since the age of 15 due to his diagnosis of cerebral palsy (CP) and disability in his legs.
Speaking in exclusive interview with Iran Daily, he reflected on the challenges he faced, saying, “When I first moved to this center, life was incredibly difficult and monotonous. The pain of being separated from my family tormented me until 2008, when I attended a camp at Chalous’s Laleh Garden, where I found my soulmate among the girls from the care home.”
As he gazed at his bride with excitement, Mehrdad continued, “Malakeh is not just a spouse to me; she is the very meaning of my life. I pray to God to be worthy of her companionship and to bring her happiness.”
Like countless other romantics, Mehrdad has made relentless efforts to marry his beloved, metaphorically enduring the weight of ‘iron shoes’.
He explained, “I wrote numerous letters to the officials of the charity foundation in pursuit of this goal. Initially, they did not take my request seriously, but as they recognized the depth of my love for Malakeh and the logic behind my desire to marry her, they eventually granted their approval, and ultimately gained her consent.”
“Love knows no bounds,” he said, “and the fear of marriage should not cast a shadow on the lives of those with disabilities.”
Love at first sight
The bride is a 39-year-old from the city of Urmia, West Azarbaijan Province. She has never allowed her disability to hinder her journey in life. During her residence at the nursing home, she learned the art of doll-making. With her creativity and determination, she not only mastered the craft but also found a way to turn her passion into a source of income. Talking about her experience of joining the care home, Malakeh said, “Nineteen years ago, I arrived at Kahrizak Charity Foundation and found solace in a room which had a window overlooking a green courtyard.
While I dearly missed my family, the kindness of my roommates and the incredible staff made this place feel like a home.”
Malakeh talked about her relationship with Mehrdad and said, “Do you believe in love at first sight? I also fell in love with Mehrdad in the same garden.”
Improving the lives of disabled youths
Mohsen Pazooki, the head of the public relations department of Kahrizak Charity Foundation, discussed the efforts made to provide facilities for the marriage of the young couple.
He emphasized, “Thanks to the compassionate intentions of the members of the foundation’s management and board of trustees, steps have been taken to enhance the lives of the young disabled residents of the nursing home. With the support of a number of benefactors, psychologists, and physicians, necessary evaluations were conducted, leading to the approval of the marriage of Mehrdad and Malakeh.”
He added that a fully equipped residential unit of approximately 70 square meters has been prepared for them to meet the specific needs of the disabled couple. Additionally, this couple will be engaged in productive activities and earning an income within this institution, based on their capabilities. They will commence their new life under the support of the Kahrizak Charity Foundation.

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