Israel has become ...

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The consciousness gained by the world’s public opinion about the events in Palestine is one of the achievements of the Operation Al-Aqsa Storm by Hamas. On the other hand, Western governments, especially the US, have remained silent regarding this massacre by Israel. We hope that this awakening and public awareness can finally put pressure on Western governments.
and public awareness can finally put pressure on Western governments.

The West, led by the US, has claimed universal values over the past decades as it has tried to promote them in different ways in the world. Values such as democracy, human rights, equality and human dignity, conventions and international law. In your opinion, how is the recent US vetoing of the proposed resolution connected with such values?
Vetoing the proposed resolution for a cease-fire in Gaza, has not only nothing to do with those claimed values, but is in the opposite direction.
With this vetoing, Americans put their political dignity into doubt. Basically, the Gaza war revealed the contradictions of Western countries led by America.
On the one hand, they claim human rights and international conventions on war and respecting the rights of civilians while, on the other hand, they supported Israel against the violation of all international conventions and laws.
They had the same attitude towards the war in Ukraine and condemned and sanctioned Russia as well as President Vladimir Putin, but they have remained silent about the war crimes and genocide in Gaza.
In fact, Westerners highlight their claimed values such as democracy and human rights when their interests demand it, and they are indifferent to the violation of these values wherever their interests do not demand it. On Friday, a US official said that the damage done by Israel to the United States’ position in the world is irreparable.

At the head of the international bodies you mentioned is the UN, which despite the efforts made by Secretary General António Guterres, has not succeeded in doing anything against Israel’s inhumane attacks.
Having international organizations and institutions is better than not having them, but the fact is that these bodies are under the influence of major powers.
Despite the efforts made by its Secretary General, the UN could not even support the lives of its own employees in Gaza. About 130 UN workers and aid workers have been killed in Gaza.
One point that was revealed in the Gaza war was that Israel has never sacrificed its interests for the interests of the US in the past 75 years, but US has always sacrificed its interests and policies for the interests and policies of Israel.
Although the US has tried to justify its indefensible measures by the help of its economic and media power, it cannot justify this humiliation and unconditional support of Israel, which has led to the death of nearly 18,000 people in Gaza.
I really do not know how the US government will save face in the public opinion of the world and even in the American society.
It is as if Israel is the leader and decision-maker in US policy and Washington is only a provider of Israel’s needs.

What is mostly seen in the media is the destruction and the number of victims in Gaza as well as the suffering of the people of Gaza. What have the resistance groups and the people of Gaza achieved against the damage they have seen during the two months of standing against Israel?
The Hamas attack on October 7 is called Operation Al-Aqsa Storm. The result of the storm has been destruction, and it shows that whoever sows wind, shall reap a whirlwind. Israel has been sowing wind for 75 years; therefore it should have expected a whirlwind.
We hope that this storm will ultimately lead to the defeat of Israel. One of the most important achievements of the people and militant groups in Palestine is the global awakening that manifested itself in the form of large demonstrations around the world against the crimes of Israel and in support of the people of Gaza.
On the other hand, contrary to its claims, Israel has not yet succeeded in achieving its declared goals. They announced that they would destroy Hamas, release prisoners and flood Hamas tunnels in Gaza.
The Gaza Strip is about 365 square kilometers, and the Israeli Army is considered one of the most equipped armies in the world. During more than 40 days of entering the territory of Gaza, it has been engaged in only 50-60km of the Gaza Strip, and it has not been able to take over the total area.
Hamas continues to resist and the Israeli Army could not release even one prisoner without Hamas’s approval. Therefore, Israel has not made a significant achievement so
Perhaps US’s insistence on unconditional support for Israel is because this regime has not been able to achieve its declared goals.
It is now necessary to remind people of the correctness of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s policy on the Israel-Palestine issue. As time passes, the correctness of this policy becomes more apparent.
Iran has been defending the historical and legal rights of the Palestinians and human dignity for over 40 years. As long as people support the resistance groups, the groups will not fail.

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