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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Fifty Seven - 11 December 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Fifty Seven - 11 December 2023 - Page 1

Israel has become policy-maker for US: Ex-Iranian FM

By Ebrahim Beheshti & Reza Abesh Ahmadlou

Staff writers
The United States vetoed a United Nations resolution Friday backed by almost all other Security Council members and dozens of other nations demanding an immediate humanitarian cease-fire in Gaza. It is now more than clear that the US has an undeniable role in the crimes committed against the people of Gaza.
In a situation where France has voted in favor of and the UK has abstained from voting, why has the US, ignoring the public opinion in the world and contrary to its claimed values, prevented a cease-fire in Gaza?
In this regard, Iran Daily talked with Ali-Akbar Salehi, former minister of foreign affairs and former head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran.

IRAN DAILY: The recent meeting of the UN Security Council did not lead to a cease-fire as the US vetoed the proposed resolution. How long will the world tolerate Israel’s crimes in Gaza and the killing of innocent people?

SALEHI: The war in Gaza and Israeli
attacks on innocent people is a very saddening crisis because of the killing that is being done in front of the entire world and openly.
There are few people in the world who have witnessed the scenes of Israel’s measures in Gaza and are not grieved by all the pain and suffering of the people. People around the world came to the streets in protest of Israel’s crimes and expressed sympathy with the troubled Palestinian people.
According to a survey published by the Israeli media, on October 7 about 55 percent of the respondents supported Israel, but the figure dropped to five percent a few weeks later, that is, 95 percent of the respondents declared their support for the people of Gaza, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
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