Boosting Iran-Oman economic ties crucial: VP

Iran’s First Vice President has considered industrial and mining collaborations, especially the establishment of industrial estates, as crucial to enhancing relations with Oman.
In a meeting with Qais bin Mohammed Al Yousef, Oman’s Minister of Commerce, Industry, and Development, Mohammad Mokhber said that resolving banking and financial issues, easing licensing procedures, and facilitating the movement of trade delegations would create opportunities for investment and trade between the two countries, ISNA reported.
Emphasizing the strong determination of Iran and Oman’s senior officials to deepen economic and trade ties, Mokhber highlighted the need for a swift roadmap for economic cooperation between Tehran and Muscat.
The Omani minister, in turn, stressed the importance of exploring new avenues and solutions for expanding Iran-Oman trade and economic relations.
He also commended the positive measures taken in the past two years, including using national currencies in transactions, addressing customs issues, joint commercial projects, industrial and mining investments, and collaboration in the energy sector and shared gas fields.

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