Iranian modernist musicians perform in Germany

A concert titled, ‘Music for Speakers,’ featuring compositions by Iranian modernist composers, was staged in Germany on December 5.
The concert is an electronic music concert performed by Iranian modernist composers residing in Germany. The event was organized and executed by Iranian composer Amir Teymuri, ILNA reported.
The concert, held at Orgelfabrik Durlach in the German city of Karlsruhe, also featured an exhibition showcasing the works of artists from the State Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe.
Mehdi Jalali, a musician, composer, and the head of the Yarava Music group, stated, “This concert included works from various generations of Iranian electronic music composers, featuring performances by 11 Iranian composers living in countries such as Iran, Germany, France, Norway, and the United States.”
Jalali listed the participating composers, including Ehsan Ebrahimi, Deniz Tafaghodi, Amir Teymuri, Shahrokh Khajenouri, Idin Samimi-Mofkham, Shahrzad Talebi, Alireza Farhang, Farzia Fallah, Mehdi Kazerouni, and Hana Mesgari.
He provided further details, mentioning that all the pieces performed in the concert were fixed media, and the sound engineering was handled by Teymuri.
Jalali emphasized the special significance of the concert for Yarava Music Group, stating, “For us, the highlight of this concert was the performance of two pieces from the works attended in the Reza Korourian Electroacoustic Composition Competition.”
Regarding the characteristics of these two works, he explained, “The piece ‘Shin,’ composed by Deniz Tafaghodi, won the second prize in the fifth round of the Reza Korourian Electroacoustic Composition Competition in 2020, recently released.”
Additionally, ‘The Silent Dream,’ composed by Shahrzad Talebi, is one of the winners of the second round of the Reza Korourian Electroacoustic Composition Competition in 2017, published in the second year of the ‘Sunset in the Meadow’ competition, he added.

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