Tourism development and international connections significant for Kish Island

The tourism industry plays a crucial role in the global economy and can significantly contribute to economic development when properly utilized. Kish Island in the southern province of Hormuzgan with its unique geographical conditions and tourism potentials, has always been recognized as a prominent tourist destination in the region.
In recent years, the government has made substantial efforts not only to promote this industry but also to highlight the rich national, religious, and cultural heritage of the country through tourism development on both the national and international levels. Today, Kish Island stands out as a captivating coral island that has successfully captured the attention of tourists from Islamic countries in the region, gaining recognition as an Islamic tourist destination in the international media.
Azizollah Mohammadi, the managing director of Kish Port and Airport Development and Management Company, emphasized the necessity of establishing direct international flights to Kish Island for the growth and prosperity of tourism in visitor-friendly areas.
He commended the recent international negotiations conducted by the management of Kish Free Trade Zone Organization to establish these flights as highly impactful. Mohammadi highlighted the exceptional geographical location of Kish Island and its numerous tourism opportunities, making it an ideal destination for foreign tourists, particularly those from Arab and Persian Gulf countries. He acknowledged that the absence of direct flights from foreign origins to Kish Island has been a significant hindrance to the development of foreign tourism, which these ongoing efforts aim to overcome.
Mohammadi announced the successful launch of a direct flight from Baghdad to Kish, resulting in the arrival of 150 Iraqi tourists.
As per the current plans, Iraqi tourists will initially visit the island on a weekly basis, with the intention to increase the frequency to two flights per week in subsequent stages. These developments mark an exciting step forward in expanding tourism opportunities and fostering international connections for Kish Island.


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