Iran, Oman to sign PTA soon: TPO

The head of Iran’s Trade Promotion Organization (TPO) said that a preferential trade agreement (PTA) will be signed between Iran and Oman in the near future to spur trade and economic activities.
Speaking in an expert-level meeting of the 20th Iran-Oman Joint Economic Cooperation Commission, Mehdi Zeyghami expressed hope that the meeting will pave the way for the two countries to further expand bilateral trade and economic relations, reported IRNA.
The deputy industry minister pointed to his recent visit to the Sultanate of Oman, accompanying Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade Abbas Aliabadi, and hoped that visits by trade and economic delegations of the two countries will lead to further expansion of bilateral trade relations.
Zeyghami put the value of trade exchanges between Iran and Oman in 2022 at $1.8 billion, and said that bilateral trade is expected to increase by yearend.
Iran attaches great importance to its relation with the Persian Gulf littoral states, especially Oman, the TPO chief stated, adding that officials of the two countries pursue cooperation in the fields of trade, economy, investment, mineral, standard, finance, banking, agriculture, fisheries, stockbreeding, transport, oil, gas, petrochemical, energy, tourism, cultural heritage and health care in the joint economic cooperation commission.
The Iran-Oman Joint Economic Cooperation Commission meeting will be held in Tehran on Wednesday.
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