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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Fifty One - 04 December 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Fifty One - 04 December 2023 - Page 2

Optimization plan, more gas storage to help Iranians enjoy winter

Economy Desk
Trying to help get through the winter easily for Iranians is one of the priorities of the Ministry of Oil, which, in order to achieve this goal, has preventive strategies, including boosting gas and liquefied storage as well as implementing energy optimization plans.
The beginning of the cold season is always accompanied by an increase in the use of oil and gas products, especially in the household sector, while in recent years, Iran has experienced a daily gas shortage of about 250 million cubic meters.
Energy experts believe that the reasons for the gas shortage are related to indiscriminate consumption, both in the household and industrial sectors, improper planning for gas storage, reduction of investment in the energy sector, and the cheap tariffs of energy carriers.
By reviewing the experiences, the Ministry of Oil made efforts to take effective steps to pass through the winter easily, including making greater investment in the infrastructure sector, and developing gas storage plans along with implementing four big plans to optimize energy consumption.

Smartening plans
Smartening the gas distribution network of major industries and domestic and commercial consumers is also a priority action in the agenda of the National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC).
The national plan for optimizing the furnace room of residential and commercial units was also put on the agenda, in line with the policies of the Ministry of Oil to optimize the consumption of natural gas and as a result reduce air pollution and the cost of users.
The plan also helps create employment in the country, with financial and technical support for those who have a central heating system which will be checked for free.
According to the announcement of the NIGC, the number of optimization of furnace houses in the first year of implementation was 9,000, and in the second year, the figure hit 34,000, and now it has reached about 80,000.
Replacing 4.1 million high-efficiency heaters with low-efficiency ones is on the agenda, as it has been announced that this project will be completed in three years.

Storage of 3 bcm of natural gas
This Iranian year, in the field of storage, an unprecedented record was set in the last decade, as a total of about 3 billion cubic meters (bcm) of gas were injected into the underground storage tanks of Sarajeh in Qom Province and Shourijeh D in Khorasan Razavi Province.
‌On the sidelines of a cabinet meeting on Wednesday, Minister of Oil Javad Owji announced the increase in the daily production of 50 million cubic meters of gas since the beginning of the incumbent government in August 2021.
According to him, the volume of injected gas to storages is 3.1 bcm, as 3.2 billion liters of liquid fuel is now kept in tanks, which has increased by 15 and 21 percent, respectively, compared to last year.
Also, the Ministry of Oil and its affiliated companies have special plans for the development of storage projects, including the second phase of gas storage project in Shourijeh field as well as conducting feasibility studies on construction of other storage facilities.

Offering incentives
Iran’s First Vice President Mohammad Mokhber recently announced the details of providing discounts and incentives to natural gas users, in line with encouraging gas clients for optimal consumption.
He urged ministries, organizations, institutions and state-run companies, the Armed Forces and general governorates to observe the optimal and safe consumption of natural gas.

Expert view
The average storage capacity of natural gas in the world is 11 percent of the total gas consumption.
This figure is, on average, 23 percent in European countries, and only 1.4 percent in Iran.
The storage capacity of the country is currently about 3.4 billion cubic meters, and the capacity of using hydrocarbon reservoirs for natural gas storage is up to a capacity of over 200 million cubic meters per day.
Nersi Qorban, an energy expert, believes that the government should offer low-interest loans or incentives to industries in order to build gas storage facilities.
Our country has surplus gas in the summer, he said, adding that we can provide this surplus gas to industries in various forms including LNG, LPG, CNG, and natural gas.
Gas storage by industries has a significant effect on solving the seasonal shortage of gas in winter and, at the same time, industries can store natural gas to use when they face a gas shortage, Qorban noted.
It is necessary to attract investors for gas and liquid fuel storage, Qorban emphasized, saying that measures have been initiated for gas storage, which must be developed.
Referring to the very low cost of energy in the country, Qorban said that gas consumption in the winter season can be lowered by increasing the price of energy.

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