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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Forty Nine - 02 December 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Forty Nine - 02 December 2023 - Page 5

Requiem for humanity

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In such conditions, it may be challenging to speak of the principles of necessity and proportionality when these principles are applicable when there is a legitimate goal. However, the conflict in Gaza and the West Bank of Palestine is fundamentally an illegitimate war. In this regard, the principle of distinguishing between military and non-military targets can be applied, which has been flagrantly violated in the most egregious manner. Hospitals and medical centers, meant to assist the wounded, have become the primary targets of the aggressors. In reality, the entire 2.3 million strong population of the Gaza Strip, including children, women, and men, has been subject to indiscriminate attacks by occupiers.
Today, the international community witnesses the failure of international mechanisms. Mechanisms created with reliance on the Charter of the United Nations for the achievement of international peace and security have collapsed. Humanitarian principles established under the framework of human-friendly international law are systematically violated one by one. The 70-year roller coaster journey that the United Nations has undergone for international coexistence is now being critically assessed with a modern brutality! If international mechanisms such as the responsibility to protect and humanitarian interventions are to be employed, the time to put them into action is now!
In the struggle against the oppressed people of Gaza, it is not a matter of determining which of the criminal titles under Article 8 of the International Criminal Court statute has been committed. The more precise question is which of the 50 enumerated items has not been committed so far?! Additionally, systematic genocide as a crime process and racism as a continuous crime must also be addressed by the International Criminal Court.
Supporting elements and supporting states of this regime should not be overlooked. Support for the Zionist regime is, in fact, support for the continued violation of international norms. The issuance of weapons and deliberate obstruction of obtaining a ceasefire and stable truce in Gaza are tangible examples of Article 25 of the International Criminal Court statute and fall under incitement to genocide.
The United States and European troika, committed to preventing genocide under the 1948 Genocide Convention, have themselves become complicit in one of the facilitating elements of the crime. Political maneuvering and adopting double standards have become a poisonous pest for international oversight institutions.
Since 2015, Palestine has been a party to the International Criminal Court statute, and, naturally, crimes committed within its territory fall under the jurisdiction of the Court. How is it that the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court immediately arrives in Ukraine within 24 hours of the crisis’s onset, forming the largest investigative team to examine the potential dimensions of the incident, while after a month, and under public pressure, not for sympathizing with the oppressed people of Palestine but to express solidarity with the families of Zionist victims at the Rafah border crossing?
All these questions and inquiries of this nature have distressed the collective conscience of the international community! The global community has lost its resilience in the face of these perplexing and shameful contradictions, and today, public opinion worldwide is directly on the stage.
The widespread protests involving thousands of people around the world, including in the United States and Europe, against the Zionist regime’s child-killing policies serve as a clear testament to the human emotions at stake. Therefore, the crimes committed in Gaza should not go unpunished. Perhaps the main reason for the impunity of the Zionist regime during the 48 days of aggression and crimes against Gaza is the long-term negligence that has been realized under the comprehensive support of the United States and some European governments. Public pressure has demonstrated that international issues can yield results regardless of the political will of Western leaders. The demands for accountability from the Zionist regime and its supporters must continue, and this widespread anger should persist until the authorities of the regime are criminally prosecuted.
In this regard, the Islamic Republic of Iran, within the framework of its principled and active approach to stopping the Zionist regime’s aggression against the Palestinian people, has engaged in continuous consultations with many countries, particularly Islamic governments, at various levels. The immediate cessation of the massacre of the people of Gaza and urgent humanitarian assistance has been a top priority during this period. The sending of letters by the honorable president to the leaders of 50 world countries, their participation in the summit of the Organization for Islamic Cooperation, virtual participation in the BRICS summit, participation in the executive committee meeting of the Organization for Islamic Cooperation, more than 50 telephone consultations with foreign ministers worldwide, regional visits to countries such as Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Qatar, Turkey, etc., participation in the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York and the Geneva summit, and the call for economic and trade sanctions against the Zionist regime have been on the diplomatic agenda.
The 48 days of unjust war and aggression have temporarily halted in the face of the resilience and determination of the Palestinians and the demands of people worldwide. Efforts to end aggression and the rights abuses of the Zionist regime, as well as laying the groundwork for the realization of the right to self-determination of the resilient Palestinian people, will continue.
We believe that the future lies with the people of Palestine, and the occupying regime and its Western supporters will ultimately succumb to the iron will of the Palestinian people!
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