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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Forty Eight - 30 November 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Forty Eight - 30 November 2023 - Page 7

Mr. Musk! Don’t lavish your reputation, capital on Netanyahu

By Ebrahim Beheshti
Staff writer
Elon Musk, the American multi-billionaire and owner of the social network, X (formerly known as Twitter), recently visited one of the kibbutzim that was targeted by Hamas on October 7, during his trip to Israel. Despite Hamas extending an invitation for him to visit Gaza “to see the extent of the massacres and destruction committed against the people of Gaza,” Musk declined, expressing concerns about the current volatile situation.
In a post on his X account, he stated, “Seems a bit dangerous there right now, but I do believe that a long-term prosperous Gaza is good for all sides.”
In a conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Musk confirmed the goal of the Israeli government to destroy Hamas, saying, “Those that are intent on murder must be neutralized. The propaganda must stop that is training people to be murderers in the future. And then, making Gaza prosperous. And if that happens, I think it will be a good future.”
In his statements, Musk has spoken of striving for prosperity and a better future for the people of Gaza, but apparently he forgot or did not realize who destroyed Gaza in the first place. For his information, it should be reminded that Gaza has been under siege by the Israeli regime since 2007, and the restrictions imposed on the people living in the strip have become so severe at times that this area is referred to as the “world’s largest open-air prison.”
Even if Musk is not happy with Hamas, it would be good for him to visit the Gaza Strip to see what Israel has done to the place and its people. It would be good to know that from his point of view, whether sacrificing 14,000 lives, two-thirds of whom women and children, is necessary to build a better future for Gaza. UN Secretary-General António Guterres has warned the world that Israel has turned Gaza into a “graveyard for children.”
Mr. Musk! It would be wise for you not to hide behind Hamas attack like Netanyahu. During the past few decades, which Palestinian region has Israel made prosperous so that now you want to see Gaza’s prosperity with the help of this regime? Is the West Bank, which was not under Hamas control, immune from Israeli attacks and damage, and is it a prosperous and advanced region? Netanyahu and prosperity are in no way mutually inclusive.
Mr. Musk! Do not lavish your reputation and capital on Netanyahu.

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