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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Forty Seven - 29 November 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Forty Seven - 29 November 2023 - Page 5

Leader calls for efforts to make Iran’s Navy a strategic force

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei hailed achievements made by the Iran Navy after the 1979 Islamic Revolution, calling for efforts to make the Iranian Armed Forces’ naval division a comprehensive strategic force.
Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks during a meeting with a group of Navy commanders and officials on Tuesday, on the occasion of Iranian Navy Day, Press TV reported.
“In the early years after the revolution, the presence of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Navy beyond territorial waters was unimaginable, but now the Navy makes a 360-degree voyage around the globe powerfully and returns to the country with pride.”
The Leader added that the Navy’s advances after the 1979 Islamic Revolution was “unbelievable and remarkable,” calling for efforts to make the Iranian Armed Forces’ naval division a comprehensive strategic force.
Ayatollah Khamenei noted, “One day, it was not imagined that the Islamic Republic of Iran Navy would be able to be present in the Caspian Sea, but now destroyers are built on the shores of the Caspian Sea and set afloat.”
During a ceremony on Monday, a new domestically-designed and manufactured destroyer, dubbed Deylaman, joined Iran’s northern naval fleet to strengthen security in the Caspian Sea.
Deylaman is the 5th wave-class destroyer, the first of which was the Jamaran destroyer. It is equipped with various types of domestically-manufactured defense systems and equipment.
It has the capability of navigating for a long time, searching, discovering, identifying, monitoring and confronting, and, if necessary, repelling any air, surface and subsurface threats.
Deylaman is also capable of carrying helicopters on its deck.

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