Iran-Venezuela trade could increase up to fivefold: MP

Trade between Iran and Venezuela could increase fivefold by next year, said a member of the Iran-Venezuela parliamentary friendship group, adding that during his visit to Caracas in June, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi announced that the bilateral trade has surpassed $3 billion per year.
A major part of Iran’s exports to Venezuela pertains to techno-engineering services, Ahad Azadikhah told Iran Daily, noting that since all payments are not made in dollars, the total value is not accurately announced.
“Iran has implemented large projects and plans in the field of exporting techno-engineering services, mainly in overhauling petrochemicals, refineries and energy facilities in Venezuela,” the Iranian lawmaker said.
Talking on the capacities of cooperation with Latin American states, he said “We have a lot of political and economic potentials for cooperation with Latin America, so we can implement a lot of joint production projects, especially in the field of agriculture.”
Venezuela enjoys very good capacities for cooperation with Iran in the field of extraterritorial cultivation, especially wheat production, the MP noted.
Considering that the two countries are under sanctions, they can collaborate more in the field of oil and its products exchanges.
 Currently, Iran, Russia, Turkey, China, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Congo, the Balkans, Mali, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Sudan, Somalia, Cuba, Zimbabwe, Yemen, North Korea, Belarus , Burundi and the Central African Republic are on the US unilateral sanctions list.
Integrating the capacities of the sanctioned countries, especially the two BRICS member countries, namely China and Russia, along with economic powers such as Iran and Turkey, and countries such as Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Yemen, which form the axis of resistance, creates the ability to make the US sanctions ineffective or at least less effective.
Pointing out that, unfortunately, the capacities of cooperation between the two countries have not been fully exploited, he said Iran’s sale of gasoline to Venezuela proved that the Islamic Republic is capable of managing the safety of exporting to Carcass, along the 12,000-kilometer water route.
The MP added that the import of gold shipments from Venezuela to Iran proved that we can do monetary and financial support in the central bank through cooperation with Venezuela.
All political and economic issues, including sanctions, monetary, banking issues together can strengthen Iran’s relations with Latin American countries, he said, noting that according to the emphasis laid by President Raisi on the development of relations with other countries, Tehran can raise the level of ties with Latin American countries.


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