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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Forty Five - 27 November 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Forty Five - 27 November 2023 - Page 7

Sizable portion of Iranians suffer from obesity

By Sadeq Dehqan
Staff writer

The head of the Center for Endocrine Glands and Metabolism at Shahid Beheshti University’s School of Medical Sciences, referring to the growing trend of overweight and obesity in the country, stated that 60 to 70 percent of individuals over the age of 20 in the country are overweight or obese, and only 30 to 40 percent of adults have a normal and healthy weight.
Fereidoun Azizi, in an exclusive interview with Iran Daily, added that the trend of increasing overweight and obesity in Tehran is higher than in other parts of the country, with 70 percent of the population in Tehran being affected by overweight and obesity.
(However, it is important for readers to approach these statistics with caution, as the true figures can only be accurately determined through comprehensive scientific research on a large scale.)
Azizi, comparing the obesity situation in Iran with various regions, explained that in Western countries, especially the United States and Canada, the obesity rate is higher, with a total of 75 percent of the population in these countries experiencing overweight and obesity, and among them, obese individuals have a larger share.
Referring to a research program on the status of overweight and obesity in the country over the past 30 years, he stated that looking at the results of these studies over the three decades, we observe that the population with overweight has gradually decreased during these years, while the population with obesity in the country has increased.
He continued by mentioning that obesity is divided into two levels, overweight and obesity, determined based on BMI or Body Mass Index. BMI is a measurement tool that indicates how proportionate your height and weight are and whether an individual is underweight or overweight. BMI is calculated by dividing weight (in kilograms) by height (in meters) squared. Knowing factors such as age, weight, height, and gender is important to obtain accurate results.
Azizi said that based on this, individuals with a BMI between 18.5 to 25 have a normal weight, individuals with a BMI between 25 to 30 are overweight, and individuals with a BMI above 30 are considered obese, usually weighing over 100 kilograms.
Referring to the fact that a very low or very high BMI can be problematic for an individual’s health, he said that if a person’s BMI is below 18.5, the individual may face health problems in terms of body immunity against diseases.
The endocrinologist said that over the past three decades, the number of individuals with a BMI between 25 to 30, which used to constitute around 50 to 60 percent of the country’s population, has gradually decreased, and the number of obese individuals in the country, which was previously five percent, has increased.
Azizi listed obesity as the most common endocrine and metabolic disorder in the country and explained that after obesity, which is a disease in itself, diseases such as diabetes, osteoporosis, hypothyroidism, and hyperthyroidism are the next most common endocrine and metabolic disorders in the country.
He noted that in Iran, there are other endocrine gland disorders that are very important and dangerous, although they are not considered common diseases. These include diseases of the supra-renal and pituitary glands, which are very important diseases but do not have much prevalence.
Referring to the fact that obese individuals are divided into two groups, high-risk and low-risk, he explained that one group of obese individuals are those who do not have metabolic diseases such as high blood pressure, high blood fat, high blood sugar, etc., do not smoke, and do not have abdominal obesity. These individuals have a better future.
Azizi continued by stating that in another group, those with metabolic diseases and abdominal obesity have a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases and premature death.
Azizi, pointing out the connection between obesity and fat accumulation in the abdominal area with cardiovascular diseases, said that in women, fat accumulation in the thigh, buttocks, and hands is more, while abdominal obesity is relatively more common in men, and this can be one of the reasons for higher mortality in men.
He said that to measure the level of abdominal obesity, you can place a tape around your waist, starting from the belly button, and 90 centimeters is the starting point for abdominal obesity.
He stated that if a child is obese at the ages of four and five, the likelihood of becoming obese in adolescence, puberty, and adulthood is five times higher than those who have a normal weight at these ages. Also, children who sleep less than 10 to 11 hours in their first year of life are more likely to become obese, showing the importance of attention in the early years.

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