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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Forty Five - 27 November 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Forty Five - 27 November 2023 - Page 6

Former French ambassadors called for an end to Gaza war

France urged to reevaluate Mideast diplomacy for lasting peace

Eighteen former French ambassadors, in an op-ed in the popular Le Monde newspaper, have called for the acceleration of the process leading to the end of the Israel-Hamas war.
In the op-ed published in Le Monde on Saturday, the ex-diplomats stressed that “everything must be done” to extend the four-day truce between Israel and Hamas in order to forge a lasting cease-fire.
The ambassadors said Israel had embarked on a strategy of total war in Gaza that is “as brutal as it is futile, and increasingly contested.”
The former diplomats wrote “eradicating Hamas” is more of a slogan than a realistic objective.
“In 2006, Israel had already proclaimed its desire to ‘eradicate Hezbollah,’ with the known results. Such a strategy is illusory.”
Hamas, which has already been targeted by five deadly military campaigns, will inevitably be reborn, the envoys said, noting that the Israeli army will not be able to defeat a movement supported by a large part of the Palestinian population, in Gaza as well as in the occupied West Bank, “in the face of a disqualified Palestinian Authority.”
The ex-diplomats said a two-state solution is still worth attempting despite being “increasingly difficult to build” due to the annexation of greater Jerusalem (Al-Quds) and growing settlements in the occupied West Bank.
The solution of a single binational state, mentioned even before October 7, is regaining relevance. But the dilemma remains the same. Either Israel accepts the principle of equality of rights, with the risk of losing the majority for the Jewish population, currently equal to the Arab population on the territory of historic Palestine; or Israel refuses such a principle, loses an essential part of its soul, and exposes itself to an accusation of apartheid, the op-ed added.
“The summary of six weeks of fighting in the Gaza Strip is overwhelming: More than 13,000 deaths, mainly civilians, including 5,300 children; half of the enclave’s real estate destroyed. Israel, under the term ‘total war’, is developing a punitive strategy that is as brutal as it is futile, and increasingly contested,” they wrote.
The former diplomats also strongly warned against any temptation to transfer populations to neighboring countries, writing the move “can only be seen as unacceptable ethnic cleansing and, in any case, cannot solve the problem of Israel’s security”.
The op-ed suggested a renewal of the political classes that will occur on both sides, as those currently in place have lost much of their legitimacy.
“On the Palestinian side, elections should be organized as soon as possible and involve all the political forces present”.
“A strong commitment from the international community, particularly the permanent members of the UN Security Council and the Arab countries, is essential,” they wrote.
“France, which has lost much of its credibility in the Middle East and has seen its image deteriorate significantly in the Arab-Muslim world, must take part in this. However, it would require it to change its diplomacy towards a balanced and coherent policy that is independent from external pressures. Despite some rebalancing, this is not how it is perceived by many countries and public opinion. Such a policy requires courage and clarity, beyond the emotional reactions that this ‘total war’ provokes,” they concluded.

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