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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Forty Four - 26 November 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Forty Four - 26 November 2023 - Page 5

Opportunity to pressure Israel

By Ebrahim Beheshti
Staff writer
The 47 days of uninterrupted bombing of the Gaza Strip caused enormous damage to the people of the Gaza Strip and to the resistance groups. More than 14,800 people have died and much of the infrastructure in the Gaza Strip has been destroyed. These losses have not been without achievement. It is not wrong to say that the most important achievement for the Palestinian people and the Gaza Strip came from the margins of the Palestinian issue.
Over the past few weeks, there have been unprecedented rallies and rallies around the world, especially in Europe and the United States, in support of the people of Gaza and against Israeli atrocities. Some Western politicians whose governments are staunch supporters of Israel have had critical reactions to Israel’s criminal acts, insisting that the Palestinian issue must be decided and the decades-old oppression against the Palestinians must end.
Spain’s prime minister has insisted that the European Union should recognize an independent Palestinian state. Even the US government, which was Israel’s main backer in the Gaza invasion, has been forced to moderate its positions in recent days, and President Joe Biden has argued in a Washington Post article that the US goal should not just stop today’s war, but to end it forever. British Foreign Secretary David Cameron said Israel would never be safe without security and stability for the Palestinians.
Whether out of pity for the Palestinians and the awakening of their conscience, whether out of reality and acknowledgment of the power of Palestinian fighting groups and the steadfast Palestinian determination to exercise their historic right, these Western comments represent a global consensus and demand for an end to the ongoing violence against Palestinians. Hamas’ October 7 attack on Israel, with significant casualties including the deaths of more than 1,200 people and the capture of more than 200 Israelis, sent a clear message to both Israeli leaders and supporters in the West that Israel’s superiority of military power does not mean that only Palestinians are victims of insecurity and violence.
In addition, this top military power has never been able to provide lasting security to its citizens over the past few decades, and in the all-out battle with Hamas in Gaza after 47 days of airstrikes and ground attacks, it did not succeed in destroying Hamas or releasing one of its prisoners. Then he opened fire and exchanged the fire. John Bolton, a hardline US figure and former national security adviser, has called the deal and prisoner exchange a victory for Hamas.
Thus, supporters of Israel are perhaps more prepared than ever to exert pressure on Israel not out of sympathy for the Palestinians but out of concern that Israel is more vulnerable and the apparent contradiction between assertive Western values such as human rights and what is happening in Palestine.
It seems that the Resistance Front and Arab and Islamic countries should put more active diplomacy on the agenda to critique or stabilize Palestinian gains. They must not allow the infliction of enormous damage on the Gazan people to be forgotten without any established gains in the interests of Palestine. The first step is to try to make the cease-fire permanent, and to continue to seize the opportunity to reclaim the Palestinians’ rights.

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