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Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Forty Two - 23 November 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Four Hundred and Forty Two - 23 November 2023 - Page 5

Israel is losing on both fronts

By Mohammad Mardani Nokandeh
Political analyst
In today’s wars, every battle has two fronts, says an envoy of the apartheid regime of Israel; the first is the battlefield, where the key elements are soldiers, weaponry, and ammunition, and the other is public opinion. The United States attacked Iraq and Afghanistan to extract free oil and minerals and have a closer look at the soon-to-be dominant power in the West Asia region, Iran, under the pretext of fighting terrorism. The Americans got millions killed in the process and achieved nothing.
United States nuked Japan, napalmed Vietnam, created and armed ISIS — as former president Donald Trump put it — and got many governments to support it logistically. After seeing its plans fail at the hands of the Iranian hero Major General Soleimani, the US took revenge and assassinated him and denounced him as a terrorist, with its allies following in its footsteps. The country has thus repeatedly lost the battle for public opinion but bounced back every time by taking advantage of Hollywood, mainstream media, the fading Dollar, and the corruption, fear, weakness, and greed of some other world leaders.
In the case of Israel and Palestine, even the recent war has been different. While Hamas forces are mobilizing under and over the ground to open a front and fight against the occupying enemies, the occupiers cowardly airstrike schools, mosques, and most importantly, the hospitals. Meanwhile, you can hear here and there that the Israelis say Hamas is spreading disturbing pictures from other wars as propaganda to victimize itself. The Zionist regime bombs Gazan Hospitals, which are filled to the brim with injured people, and calls it Hamas’ false flag operations.
Unlike the military front, there is a major difference in the second front of this “genocide, not war”. This time, we are witnessing an eye-opening shift in public opinion. Although the true narration of what is going on in Gaza is being suppressed and silenced under heavy bombardments, we are witnessing rallies in the world’s major capitals that call for a ceasefire in Gaza. Massive crowds in unprecedented numbers expressed their hatred for Israel.
Before the historic October 7, 2023, the world was slowly forgetting the misery of the Palestinian people. Arab leaders, who were supposed to be supporters of Palestine, were finding their peace with the Zionists. Not only the right to self-determination for the people of Gaza was fading away in the discourse, some were generously offering the occupiers a two-state solution, but the amount of children’s blood spilled on the streets and hospitals of Gaza since October 7, shook the world. No one in their right mind can witness the gruesome actions of an infamous regime against a small population of defenseless civilians and stay quiet. The violent genocide that Israel inflicted against the defenseless men, children, and women of Palestine made it impossible to legitimize their actions under the pretext of self-defense against alleged “Hamas terrorism”.
The outcome of the war on the second front is already determined; Palestine won the public opinion, even though at the cost of nearly 5,000 innocent children — among a total chilling number of 12,000 bodies — who were supposed to have a normal life ahead of them. The world is restless and hates Israel, no amount of Semitism or anti-Semitism sugar-coating can reverse this hatred, and nothing can fix this humiliating loss.
In response to the envoys of the apartheid illegal regime who claim in self-righteousness that Hamas is an entity you cannot reason with, one must ask, “What kind of reason?” Is it the “I kill your family members and relatives, kick you out of your home, overtake your land, and get away with it with the support of allied colonial powers and you should take it and move on or I’ll kill your people even more” kind of reason?
How dare anyone victimize Israel and blame Hamas? What are we blaming them for? Blame them for retaliating the slaughter of their loved ones in previous Zionist raids, or for standing their ground to the last drop of their blood? What happened to us to think that way? What treaty did they violate? When did they consent to occupation? Keep talking about a two-state solution. Why would the Palestinian people give away their homeland to the occupiers?
They say Hamas attacked civilians and took them as hostages. First of all, there is a major damning argument that the footage of Hamas attacks was staged by the loyal henchmen of Netanyahu — whose administration is destined to fall apart due to corruption — to use it as a uniting cement and justify the genocide against Gaza people. Secondly, I don’t even call them hostages. I simply call the move an arrest and capture of illegal immigrants and trespassers because none of them obtained permission from the Palestinians before entering Palestine.
Let us all join the free souls of the world in support of Palestine and play a part in ending the ongoing genocide of Palestinians as the seven-decades-old “spider’s web,” known as Israel, is breaking apart.

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