Iran Parliament wraps up debate on Seventh Development Plan

The debates on the bill outlining the country’s Seventh Development Plan (2024-28) was completed in the Iranian Parliament on Wednesday after holding 57 open sessions which started on September 25.
Announcing the above, Parliament Speaker Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf added that the bill will be sent to the Constitutional Council for ratification, IRNA reported.
Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi presented the bill to Parliament on June 18, when he explained the important features of the plan to lawmakers.
The plan, which is considered an umbrella document in Iran, outlining the roadmap for the three branches of government for the next five years, has been compiled in seven sections and 22 chapters, while considering other key documents of the country and the 26 policies announced by Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei.
“The seventh plan does not intend to amend the current laws of the country,” Raisi told lawmakers, “In this plan, the focus has been put on the country’s central issue and priorities.”
Tax revenues up, petrodollars down
Meanwhile, according to discussions on the budget bill for next Iranian year (to start March 20, 2024), tax revenues will increase by 42% compared to the current Iranian year, as oil revenues will drop by 3%.
The general budget resources in the bill have been targeted at about $49.24 billion (24.62 quadrillion rials), which has increased by 18% compared to the figure for current year’s budget bill.
Oil revenues of the country is estimated at $11.7 billion (5.85 quadrillion rials) according to the bill, as tax revenues of the government will be $29.92 billion (14.96 quadrillion rials).


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